Man Sues Hoppes


New member
Claims Hoppe's No. 9 caused permanent damage to lungs


The Dominion Post

A Core man claims in a recent lawsuit that his lungs and upper respiratory system were permanently damaged when he inhaled Hoppe's No. 9 Nitro Powder Solvent.

Charles T. Wilson and his wife, Theresa, are seeking unspecified damages from Brunswick Corp., a Delaware firm, and Kmart Corp., headquartered in Michigan.

Hoppe's, of Coatesville, Pa., manufactures the solvent and is a division of Brunswick Corp. The suit states that Wilson purchased the solvent from Kmart's Morgantown store.

The Wilsons' attorney, David L. Solomon, said Monday that he's sure there will be growing interest in this case as it moves through the courts.

"Hoppe's No. 9 solvent and other Hoppe's products are probably used by thousands of sportsmen in West Virginia for cleaning firearms, and by thousands more in many other states," he said.

Solomon filed the suit in mid-March in Monongalia County Circuit Court.

It was recently removed to U.S. District Court in Clarksburg by Morgantown defense attorneys William E. Galeota and Laurie Crytser Barbe, of the Steptoe & Johnson law firm.

Judge Irene M. Keeley, who presides over the federal court, is a former member of Steptoe & Johnson.

In documents related to removing the suit to Keeley's court, Galeota and Barbe stated that the Wilsons' claims for damages cause the amount in controversy to exceed $75,000. That's the amount required for the federal court to have removal jurisdiction.

Also, in an apparent reference to previous out-of-court settlement negotiations, Galeota and Barbe told Keeley that the Wilsons "have demanded $825,000 to settle their claims."

According to the suit, after Wilson, 34, used the Hoppe's solvent to clean a gun in his home on Dec. 3, 1998, he experienced shortness of breath, chest pains, headache and dizziness and had to have extensive medical treatment and pulmonary therapy.

Wilson claims the solvent permanently damaged his lungs and upper respiratory system and the suit claims he has also developed steroid-induced asthma and diabetes.

The suit states that Brunswick Corp. is liable to the Wilsons for manufacturing and marketing a solvent that is "unreasonably dangerous for its reasonably foreseeable use."

Brunswick negligently failed to put labels on the solvent warning that its prolonged inhalation can cause nausea, cough, headache, dizziness and lung irritation and that a person experiencing such symptoms "should seek medical treatment immediately," the suit states.

Solomon filed with the suit a July 1998 material safety data sheet which identifies the solvent as a petroleum distillate with a slight to moderate safety and hazard rating.

The data sheet's section on emergency and first aid procedures states that for inhalation: "Remove victim to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen." It adds: "Call a physician. Contact a poison control center."

The document's health hazards section lists the solvent's primary routes of entry as "inhalation and dermal" and the effects of overexposure as headache, dizziness and lung, skin and eye irritation.

Chronic effects include dizziness, weakness and anemia, according to the data sheet. Also listed are effects to the liver, kidneys and bone marrow.

In its section on special precautions and spill/leak procedures, the data sheet states: "Use in a well-ventilated area."

In an April 12 answer to the suit, Brunswick and Kmart denied that they are liable to the Wilsons and denied that Brunswick negligently marketed a dangerous solvent without labels warning that it should be used in a well-ventilated area.

"The warnings contained on the product are adequate and speak for themselves," the answer states.

The firms also claimed that Wilson's injuries "may have been caused by (his) misuse" of the solvent.


New member
One, you're not supposed to INHALE the damn stuff, and two, has he ever heard "use in a well ventilated area"? This boy's an idiot looking for some fast bucks. Hoppe's shouldn't have to pay for one mans stupidity.

Times have changed, but the nature of man hasn't. That's why I always go to AA, "Alert and Armed". :)


New member
Sounds like another McDonalds hot coffee deal to me.
OTOH, I have used nothing but Ed's Red for years and now added Simple Green. Hoppes always gave me a headache.


Staff Alumnus
Any people in West Virginia wonders why there are so many W. Virginian jokes.


New member
[sarcasm on]
What don't you guys know sueing everyone you come in contact with is just the new way to politely greet someone. How else is this unfortunate fellow ever going to get rich and famous? I think I'll sue the people who made my cleaning patches because they get little strings on my jeans while I'm cleaning my gun.
[sarcasm off]
Gimme a break. This country is going to He## in a handbasket.


New member
He's an idiot. I love the smell of Hoppe's in the morning.


"I say that big talk is worth doodly-squat." Granny Hawkins from the Outlaw Josey Wales


Staff Alumnus
It's amazing how he can't read what's on the bottle in front of him but he can find a MSDS from somewhere. Goodness knows everyone keeps them laying around the workbench.


New member
If Hoppes#9 affected him THAT badly, Sweets 7.62 would've KILLED him !

Maybe he should be paid by credit card 'cause he'd probably get a paper cut if handed the cash ?

Then he'd sue the Treasuary !...LOL

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail


Moderator Emeritus
Charles T. Wilson is a moron, hopefully he hasn't bred

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
This is great news! After using Hoppe's No. 9 for, oh, 30 years without a single problem, my lungs must be in terrible shape! Sounds like permanent damage to me! Call the lawyers--I'm gonna be rich!


New member
Some time back there was a comment by a dad that in order for his daughter's boyfriend to pass muster, the kid had to use Hoppes as an aftershave.

Like the smell of Bannerman's old store, you never forget the "essence du Hoppes".

JUST ONCE, dear Lord, I'd love to see a judge not only throw out the claim, but award damages to the aggrieved company. I understand the NY Beretta trial ended that way but don't know if it was reversed by a higher court.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LOCHFAL:
[sarcasm on]
What don't you guys know sueing everyone you come in contact with is just the new way to politely greet someone. How else is this unfortunate fellow ever going to get rich and famous? I think I'll sue the people who made my cleaning patches because they get little strings on my jeans while I'm cleaning my gun.
[sarcasm off]
Gimme a break. This country is going to He## in a handbasket.

Hey Lochfal,

Good to meet you, here's my suit against you, the discovery demand, and an injunctive lien on your property.

Hope we can do this again really soon!

Mal H

I hope my wife doesn't hear about this. She uses Hoppes #9 for perfume. A little dab behind the ears .... On second thought it may be a leading cause of heart attacks.


Retired Screen Name
You know a bunch of us were have a discussion like this up at the local emporium of the needed things (gun shop)about the smell of Hoppes.

Being on the wrong side of 40, nostalgia is starting to set in BIG TIME
and having started shooting at the age of 6, one of the first things I can remember about shooting is the smell of Hoppes #9. I can remember cleaning guns that had been cleaned a week before just to handle them and smell that smell. The discussion at the shop was about a new cleaner that was supposed to work like magic. The concesus of opinion was if it didn't smell like Hoppes, no thanks.

If Hoppes fumes can kill you, I'll die happy.


Guns cause crime like trailerparks cause tornados.


New member
Hmm, I once accidently drank some, (spit it out in a big hurry too). Now I am unable to drink beer in brown bottles because of a phobia that I may drink Hoppes again.

What was the name of that lawyer?


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.

Those that beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those that don't.


New member
Sounds like this is the first gun he ever cleaned. Too bad Mr. Wilson didn't shoot himself, but then I guess his wife and lawyer would find someone else to blame.

The victim here is Hoppe's. Guess I'll go buy some more.

[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited April 18, 2000).]


New member
Other than the liberal mindset, if there was one plague upon our nation that I wish I could abolish, it would be the lack of personal responsibility for one's actions. This reminds me of the idiots that were awarded millions for smoking for 25 or 30 years!!!!

Please Lord, let him lose his lawsuit!!!
