man pulls gun on man upset about political bumper sticker


New member
Not enough facts to pass judgement one way or the other. As a potential juror though, I tend to side with people who are minding their own business as opposed to those who get up in people's faces.

I don't put bumper stickers on my car, nor political signs in my yard. Neither action will change anyone's vote, and both are likely to invite vandalism or violence in one form or another. These are the times in which we live.


New member
Considering the facts.... So, has anybody provided witness statements, or details of relative size, or presence or lack of health issues?

Haven't seen any new facts to warrant an opinion on this end.

Or are we still missing those kinds of facts and just shooting from the hip?

I'd like to be able to say, " surprisingly, yes, people are still shooting from the hip without the facts to do so".

But I digress, it's not so surprising.... A shame...but not surprising.


New member
One consideration which should come into this equation is the fact that the Albuquerque PD is under a DOJ investigation for excessive use of force.

Because of that investigation they may be cracking down on marginal Self defense incidents.


New member
Not enough facts to pass judgement one way or the other. As a potential juror though, I tend to side with people who are minding their own business as opposed to those who get up in people's faces

this is why I could see charges dropped if the camera backs up his claim...


New member
With limited information, it's really hard to know what happened. If some approached me and started shoving me and threatening me, I might be tempted to pull my gun as well. Detaining him seems a bit much and so do the charges.

Overall, there just isn't enough information to make a judgement.


New member
sticky situation but krazyhorse is right to me. Some unknown hispanic guy just walks up to you in a reataurant and tells you you need to be shot? oh no no no. How is one supposed to assume he does not intend to do just that? He is already overreacting about a silly sticker enough to cause him to make a scene. Perhaps i could be wrong, but turning your back on a guy like that, and brushing him off seems to me a potentially grave mistake. I think the charges are a bit off myself. The aggressor in this situation as far as i know to me should at least be charged with public neusance.