Man My Wife Will Kill Me or Why I Didn't Take The Job


New member
Late 80's early 90's my mom had a woman working for her that had a fiance who worked a second job at a convenience store in Sacramento, he was saving to get married and buy a house. At that time Sac was going through a period where 3 to 7 people were dying a weekend from gang related violence. He was shot in the early morning hours two or three times with a 44 and lost a leg. Another example of gang members being lousy shots.

No lower echelon clerk or guard job is worth that.

chris in va

New member
Same thing with my application to Loomis Armored. Halfway through all the application nonsense (testing, background check, polygraph etc) I wised up and decided putting my life on the line for $11/hr just wasn't worth it.

I climb ladders for a living now, so go figure.


New member
The guy is an idiot asking you to practically commit suicide.

As to 9mm bullets going thru a car door you could ask Tupack Shukur about that, but he ain't alive anymore.

I hope that you find something suitable. Maybe you could apply for LEO?

Best to you and yours, Lyle


New member
This guy was a total douche and I would have instructed him as such. There's no way I would have taken that job. I agree with the other posters, he was paying you a pissant salary to basically be a target. And the statement about a 9mm being like a BB gun after it went through a door might have gotten him a slap in the puss. In my opinion, doling out information like that makes him an accessory if one of his workers get's killed in the field because they believed his crap.


New member
Eagle, I've thought about Law Enforcement. However, I have been pretty much told by four police agencies that I shouldn't even try. They said that without military service I would have next to 0% chance. The others wanted somebody that has previously completed Basice Law Enforcement Training. You can not get in to BLET without a sponsorship from an agency.


New member
He wanted me to guard a parking lot in a neighborhood that is notorius for drugs, prostitution, and violence. Mostly fist fights and stabbings, but occasionally there is a shooting. I asked if I would be provided with a weapon, pepper spray, or a bullet resistant vest. The answer was no.

$11.25/hr for that? And no way to protect yourself? I'd say your wife will fully understand. You could probably do $10/hr at the local mini-mart--more on the graveyard shift. At least most of the gang activity, prostitutes, and druggies are there to pick up drinks and munchies.


New member
LOL at "duck and hide" response to gun shots. if you are interested in the security thing, you should check out the armored truck companies. around my area, they are 3 people in them, all carrying and wearing vests. the people who come to my job seem to really enjoy their jobs.


New member
Jhog, I am an audio engineer / producer. I also do a little bit of consulting work. The economy plus technological changes have really hampered everybody in my profession.


So the guy at the security just proved that even a bad business is better than a good job. Running with tha logic, a riddle :) What's better than a crappy little business?

ans...2 crappy little businesses. It's hard to go back to working for others after having been self employed. Either put 40 hours a week into expanding and working on your current bus., or start a new 2nd business beside it in your office. It's easier than one might think.


New member
Your wife may not be happy, but I'm sure that she's also happy your part-time job will not be standing in a crime-ridden parking lot with a big fat target sign hanging on your neck.


New member
Wag, they said, that without some form of military experience I have about 0% chance of getting hired. I asked one guy, "is a former air traffic controller, from the Air Force, better equiped to do police work than some one with personal protection experience."

His answer, "well they have millitary training, discipline, and will follow orders and never ask why."


New member
Wag, they said, that without some form of military experience I have about 0% chance of getting hired. I asked one guy, "is a former air traffic controller, from the Air Force, better equiped to do police work than some one with personal protection experience."
His answer, "well they have millitary training, discipline, and will follow orders and never ask why."

woah, woah, woah. please be kidding.


New member
Boredom, I'm not kidding. I am not going to call out the agency in public. I spend a bit of time visiting family and drive through there on a regular basis. You might be suprised that they are close to you.

Wag, I haven't iven up. I am going to try a small town up the road and a couple of campus PDs. The big thing is just getting the "sponsorship" for the BLET course. Even if they don't want to hire me up front, I would appreciate the sponsorship. If I don't start BLET in January I wil have to wait untill August.

Back to the original topic. I got a call from the "Captain" at the security company. They offered me $11.40/hr. I asked if he changed his position on defensive measures. He told me that company policy hadn't changed. However, I wouldn't get fired for wearing a bullet resistant vest. Of course, I would have to pay for it out of my pocket.

I followed a suggestion from this thread and asked what happened to the last guy. He said the guy left for "health" reasons. I laughed and he said they weren't job related. I just hung up.


New member
great call on your part, the more you (we) find out about that position, the less you or anyone should work for them.