Man My Wife Will Kill Me or Why I Didn't Take The Job


New member
Well, I've been running my own business for a while. Unfortunately things have slowed to below a crawl. I decided it was time to pick up a part time job for the holidays. Well, my wife decided I should start looking for something part time. I did and I got hired, almost.

I applied to be a security guard with a small "security firm." They aren't of the Black Water type. It is a place that contracts out guards to banks and other businesses. Any way they called me up and I went in for the final interview and the "Captain" said, "the job is yours if you want it." I asked im where I would be posted.

He wanted me to guard a parking lot in a neighborhood that is notorius for drugs, prostitution, and violence. Mostly fist fights and stabbings, but occasionally there is a shooting. I asked if I would be provided with a weapon, pepper spray, or a bullet resistant vest. The answer was no.

I asked if I could carry my own firearm since I have a CCH permit. The answer was no. I asked what defensive measures he expected me to use. His answer was idiotic. "If they start shooting just get in the car and keep your head down."

"You do know that a 9mm bullet from a handgun will penetrate a car door right?"

"You don't have to worry about that. A 9mm loses too much energy to hurt you after going through a door. It's like getting shot by a BB gun."

"What if one of the neighborhood gangs decides they want to rob the guy in the shiny coat. How am I supposed to defend myself?"

"Give them what they want, after they leave call it in to the police."

I told him thank you, but no thank you.

How can a person, in charge of a security job, believe such nonsense? You would think that somebody who makes their living in security would have some idea of how the real world works. Is the disinformation and ignorance about guns and crime that rampant?

Now, I have to figure out how to tell my wife I turned down a job making $11.25 an hour. (Around here that is great for part time.)
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New member
He isn't ignorant of the real world. Far from it. But since it's not his arse on the line, he gives more weight to legal liability when it comes to letting an employee use force to defend himself. Easy decision to make when it's not you in the parking lot. :rolleyes:


New member
I would have done the EXACT same thing AND my wife would have agreed.

Explain to her that she would rather have you safe than have the $11.25


New member

I hope you've found something by now.
The reason they can offer those terms and salary is that there are enough people that will take any job for $11, hoping for the best, not seeing the worst.

Good luck in your search.


New member
if she values that $11/hr job more than the values you then you've got more to worry about than a 2nd job.


New member
My wife would never expect me to put myself in a dangerous position without the means to defend myself. Now make it an armed position and she'd be highly irritated I turned it down because she knows beyond any doubt I can defend myself and her too, she's seen it.

I doubt anyone here would question your turning it down.


New member
Ya did the right thing, Mike.

Several years ago, my wife's company shut down her division and transferred her to their other location in Lynwood, CA. Now, instead of working in the decent area of Yorba Linda, she was a half step away from Compton. If anything, Lynwood is worse than Compton in terms of drug and gang violence.

Not a good thing.

I demanded that she quit on the spot, money be D@^^#ed. She said she wanted to give it two weeks to see how it was going to go. In the interest of her prior good experiences with the company, I deferred to her judgment but with great reservations.

She drove over there for two weeks which for me, were pure hell. One day, she came home on a Thursday and told me how someone on foot had approached her car at a red light and while he looked harmless to her, I couldn't shake the idea that it could just as easily been someone intent on doing harm to her. As it was, she said that he had put his hand on the door handle of her car and she had had to surge the car ahead a bit to get him to get away.

I told her, "It's me or the job. I can't deal with the stress of the potential for harm you are facing," and I was ready to start packing bags if she resisted.

She said, "You're right," and called her boss right then and resigned on his voice-mail.

She was making great money at the time, too, but she finally believed me when I insisted she walk.

Again, you did the right thing to turn it down, Mike.



New member
She will come around. She is just super stressed because it is the kid's first Christmas. After a couple of hours she will be back to normal. The only thing I'm worried about is the influence of her anti-gun friends, and the fact that she has never really faced real violence.

To her crime is something on the news. She's never been in a fight or had a gun pulled on her. So her concept of why a gun is important doesn't match mine. So, I don't know how well she will be able to empathize if something doesn't come up soon. She is the type that would believe a statement like the one the "captain" made about 9mms and car doors.
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New member
Sorry man.

Just tell her that it'll cost more to put you in the hospital or a coffin than to be where you're at right now. There's no need to put yourself in harms way with no protection. I hope you find something soon!


New member
You don't have to worry about that. A 9mm loses too much energy to hurt you after going through a door. It's like getting shot by a BB gun.

Not the 9mm tests I've seen (great, now I have another test to try after the text books).

You did the right thing Mike, not worth it at 2x, 3x, 4x that money if you don't get any protection. Especially if word gets out that the security guy is defenseless and easy picking.

Good luck on a decent job. In mt area there are jobs after hours in the cleaning industry. They pay about 10 to 12 and hour and are pretty decent work.


New member
So how are you with a cane??? :D

Just kidding, I think you made a good decision. Good luck with the job hunt, keep at it and something good will happen. I believe some of the delivery companies (UPS, Fedex, etc.) are hiring for the holiday season rush.

Spats McGee

Provide security in a bad neighborhood with no gun, no pepper spray, no vest, and no permission to carry your own? No, thank you.

Good decision. Good luck with the explanation. The way I see it, it may be the kid's first Christmas, but avoiding that job situation should help make sure you're around for the second.


New member
Did he mention what happened to the last guy?

I wouldn't even focus on the gun part, the fact of the matter is that there's no protection of any sort. 'Just hide in the car' is not a security protocol. You're dealing with a low rent operation that just wants bodies.


New member
You made the right choice to refuse the job. My question is: How can the job be considered security if the unarmed person is to hide in the car if things get bad?


New member
I told my wife. Her response was pretty good. She said, "Well, you'll find something else. That guy was an idiot and he 's going to get somebody killed."

I'm reminded of the Mark Twain quote,
“I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.”


New member
You forgot to ask him if you could sell a little crack and do some pimping while on duty so you would blend in with the locals. :D

Good decision to turn it down. They can only offer those terms if other guys are willing to take them up on it. Yuck!


New member
"Give them what they want, after they leave call it in to the police."

Security Guards may be dressed to look like police, but it is all an illusion.

Security Guards are not police. They have no charter from the State that allows them to use lethal force. They have no more rights than anyone else about the use of force.

If trouble happens, you get on your cell phone and call the real cops.

Companies are run for profit, and profit only. You as a Security Guard hurt someone, shoot someone, the company is liable. As Company training will tell you, if an employee pushes, shoves, the Company did not authorize it. This reduces any financial claims are against the Company

You as a Company Employee get wacked in the performance of your job, that is a law enforcement issue. Something for the courts to figure out, the State to pay for. The company is not liable in the least.

The bottom line is that dead employees are cheaper than law suits.

If you don’t like it, don’t accept the job.