Mall Ninjas Rejoice!!!


New member
think I would rather get a conversion for it

So does this make me a Mall Ninja. I've been working so hard for that status:D

As for Warhammer's original post, the device would be great for a full auto Glock.
Greyson97's bottom pic is actually a select fire/full auto Glock, which in all honesty is a badazz setup.
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I can understand that, but after the tax stamp and expense of adapter and buttstock, I'd rather have another carbine (bullpup if OAL is so important) and original handgun. The carbine is going to have a modest improvement in ballistics. I can think of one exception, but it's an extremely expensive exception.

Right, the whole tax stamp thing makes it cost-prohibitive, but that doesn't discount the fact that the shoulder stock is a very functional item. It is certainly a good control feature if you happen to be one of the few that own a full auto Glock or you don't live in the USA.


If Mall Ninjas are spotted, we have a Mall Cop patrolling our Mall on a Segway who can respond real fast!!

Segways are quiet too, so the Mall Cop can really sneak up on bad guys.

Here is a photo that I took of our Mall Cop hard at work:



New member
they actually make that security guard wear a helmet on a segway? hahahaha! I thought I was a joke where I worked!


New member
Is that a feather on the stock on the second photo? Is it for checking the wind? ROTFLMBO.

Hee hee, it sure does look like it, doesn't it? None of the photos are my own, just ones I've collected over time.

Yeah, the flintlock pistol photo about made me pee my pants when I first saw it. I saw a similar one of an old levergun of some type that was just as ridiculous, but I can't find it now.


New member
just another great reason to never own a GLOCK...

it looks like a real tattoo... but he can't tell you any stories! (just don't make him tell you what states forts Benning and Bragg are in)

flight954: you've made it... congrats?

only problem with the 'tacticool gun' pictured below? most mall ninjas couldn't carry that around... even with a segway. (faint strains of PT PT everyday...)