Mall Ninjas Rejoice!!!


New member
I just came across this today.

I'm at a complete loss as to why anyone but a dyed in the wool mall ninja would want to do this to a pistol. Not that stocks for Glocks are anything new, but the Israeli version would easily weigh 1/8 of this monstrosity and would be mounted on a G18, being used by a professional. And a sling?!?!:barf: Oh, and it's $150 just for the adapter! Then you still have to provide your own AR stock. They are touting this as "easily concealed" and "practical" for foot, horse and bicycle patrol. LMAO!

T. O'Heir

New member
"...why..." Having as many of the available accessories isn't a bad thing, but doesn't a shoulder stock on a pistol make it somehow evil according to the ATF?


The sling is so you can shoulder carry it when you get into a high speed pursuit on your Segway :eek:
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Around here in Missouri we would say that was designed for "mullet fishermen"

(Pays hommage to the immensley decked-out fly fishermen.......)


New member
"...why..." Having as many of the available accessories isn't a bad thing, but doesn't a shoulder stock on a pistol make it somehow evil according to the ATF?

Indeed it does. The addition of the shoulder stock makes that legally a "short barreled rifle" thusly requiring extra paperwork and a $200 tax stamp to be legal.


New member
Not a New Concept

Germany had such a device between the world wars; the Mauser Schnellfeuer (German language scholars please correct the spelling). It was a select fire Broomhandle Mauser with a removable stock that doubled as a wooden holster.

Looks really, really cool, not very useful.

Add to that the proceedures of getting the ATF stamps and permissions, it is simply more problem than solution. But it does look cool. At my age, finding the front sight is cool.

G-man 26

New member
"It ain't my thang but don't most of us do all this for fun???"

Why, yes, we do. I can't sit here and convince myself that these would help me shoot any better, or make the gun more readily useable. However, they might be fun to plink with in the fields, or bench a pistol at the range. I would like to try the wood holster that came with the Canadian BHP in the safe. Unfortunately, I would be a bad guy of the highest order for just plinking in the fields with the thing. A broom handle Mauser with the same type of setup might be fun also, or if nothing else, give a unique historical perspective. Alas, I may never know. Despicable.


New member
i just hate the ATF rules on stuff like this. does putting a stock and a foregrip on a pistol make it that much a better killing machine? i mean, an ak with 30 round mags can cause way more trouble than a glock with a forgrip, but one of those items doesnt need a $200 tax-stamp

*is just bitter he cant put do-dads and do-hickeys on his glock without it being illegal*


New member
I thought that made it a Short Barrel Rifle (origional factory) as an AOW (any other weapon), lower cost License, not the $200, I could be wrong. Unless it is a full auto of some sort.

I think just having the forward Post on the pic by greyson would make it also an AOW, but the Stock def does. I love the dual C-Mags and forward post, is that a Glock 18? I got to see a live fire demo of a Glock 18 when R. Lee Ermy was at Knob Creek and shot like 5 magazines from it.

The OP pic, that stock is for sale on Gunbroker with the grip adaptor.

Actually, shoulder stocks on pistols make them much easier to be shot accurately at greater distances than are beyond typical handgun distances for the normal shooter but still within the ballistically effective range of the cartridge.


New member
Actually, shoulder stocks on pistols make them much easier to be shot accurately at greater distances than are beyond typical handgun distances for the normal shooter but still within the ballistically effective range of the cartridge.

I can understand that, but after the tax stamp and expense of adapter and buttstock, I'd rather have another carbine (bullpup if OAL is so important) and original handgun. The carbine is going to have a modest improvement in ballistics. I can think of one exception, but it's an extremely expensive exception.