
New member
A business deal is a business deal. (what's the matter for you,(slap slap) there's MONEY to be made here!!!!) Maybe Pierce grips are the only ones that will accept the retrofit. I have no real problem with that, except as a technician, I like the asthetics of universality. ;) Ok, I am in the minority here. I shoot my IJ-70A just fine with the stock grips, and the grips that came with my Bulgie are way cool!!!

Ed Brunner

New member
To each his own?? I have a commercial Russian and I prefer the original grip. Probably has something to do with my little fat hand. I understand that the Pierce is a little sticky.


New member
While I like the Simson Suhl type of grip (without the lanyard loop), I prefer the original black checkered EG grip. The Pearce grip is nice, but too thick for me.


New member
Since this post first ran, I have had the occasion to retro-fit my Bulgarian Makarov with the much ballyhooed Pierce grips. They are way to fat!!!!!! I still like the original stock grips. For extended range use, I just use shooting gloves!!!;)


stay with the 9mm mak.the supply aint ever gonna dry up.not only do they have imported ammo available but several domestic ammo co. make the 9x18.
my EG MAK is every bit as good a hand gun as my walther,the mak even has a smoother trigger and the safty operates in the correct manner as oposed to the walther.(one flips up the pther flips down.