Mags Training vs Carry


New member
I also have 2 sets of mags, those for range/training use and those for carry or duty use, though I am not an LEO.

Alot of my mags since I live in a ban state are pre-ban, those never get used other than function testing as they are not easy or cheap to replace. Since the guns come with 10rd mags I just use those for the range.

I think you are over thinking it. If the mags are so brittle that they might be damaged from a waist high drop, then you need to invest in better mags. Especially if you are going to trust your life to them.

The point isn't that the mags cant take the abuse, it's that I would rather put that abuse on mags that I won't depend on. Feed lips bend, mag bodys become dented, floor plates develop cracks, I don't care if that happens to my training mags. All my mags that are put aside for carry/duty use are function tested extensively than put aside. I know they work, I know they will continue to work.
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New member
Dragline---YOU get my point. Perhaps I did not articulate it clearly enough since it turned in a discussion of how much abuse a mag can take. I don't disagree about the durability issue. My point is WHY would you increase risk of failure by using mags that you KNOW were abused in a carry gun?


New member
My point is WHY would you increase risk of failure by using mags that you KNOW were abused in a carry gun?

You wouldn't. In your first post, you said they were training with their duty mags and alluded to possible drops during training. To me, drops do not necessarily equal abuse. If I drop a mag once and there's no damage? I'm not going to sweat it(I'll disassemble it to check for dirt). If the feed lips are messed up? It's a training mag from now on.

I guess it depends on where you live(ban state or not), but if my "duty" mags get messed up to the point where I question their reliability, I'll just buy another mag. Magazines are intended to be disposable after a certain amount of time.


New member
The point isn't that the mags cant take the abuse, it's that I would rather put that abuse on mags that I won't depend on. Feed lips bend, mag bodys become dented, floor plates develop cracks, I don't care if that happens to my training mags. All my mags that are put aside for carry/duty use are function tested extensively than put aside. I know they work, I know they will continue to work.

I understand, but I think part of the issue is you live in a ban state, so keeping your mags in perfect condition is a much higher priority than those who don't. For example, if my mags get messed up? No big deal, I'll just go get more and make the old duty mags become training mags. You don't have that luxury, so safeguarding against abuse is a higher priority.


New member
I understand, but I think part of the issue is you live in a ban state, so keeping your mags in perfect condition is a much higher priority than those who don't. For example, if my mags get messed up? No big deal, I'll just go get more and make the old duty mags become training mags. You don't have that luxury, so safeguarding against abuse is a higher priority.

I do exactly the same as the OP and I do not live in a ban state.


New member
Actually, I have unlimited access to hi cap mags and cost is not an issue. I simply will not increase risk of failure by using a mag that was abused in training. One accidental drop I do not consider abuse, but if you are training with them I just cannot understand the logic that would reinsert that mag in a FA you depend on for your life? Maybe I am just too anal about it. I have a similar mind set to my ammo as well. Ammo gets rotated out of mags monthly into my loose ammo box for range use only. Although ALL are Gold Dot quality rounds, once they go into the loose ammo box, they NEVER go back into a carry magazine. Kind of like game day gear vs. practice gear.


New member
I understand, but I think part of the issue is you live in a ban state, so keeping your mags in perfect condition is a much higher priority than those who don't. For example, if my mags get messed up? No big deal, I'll just go get more and make the old duty mags become training mags. You don't have that luxury, so safeguarding against abuse is a higher priority.

Even on my lower capacity guns that don't take pre-ban's I do the same, I have separate range mags for my Shield which is my current carry gun, I don't care if those mags get stepped on or fall 5ft on rocks partially loaded. My carry mags were all function tested and for the most part sit loaded.

I even plan on having doubles of certain guns that I shoot alot yet also depend on for self defense. I plan on building another AR built exactly like my current one, ill put 1000 rounds or so through it then retire it to my safe as a backup and as my go to rifle while I run my other hard at the range.


New member
I handle things almost exactly as the OP does; i have about 40 1911 mags 5 of which are the newest / cleanest and are used for carry. Do I let the others get so dirty or worn I would not use them for carry? No but the extra margin of care makes me feel good.


New member
Actually, I have unlimited access to hi cap mags and cost is not an issue.
Yeah, I didn't mean to refer to you. My bad. I merely got you and another poster confused.
but if you are training with them I just cannot understand the logic that would reinsert that mag in a FA you depend on for your life?

Because you know for a fact that they are reliable. If you train with them and don't abuse them, you know they work more so than if you shoot 100 rounds through it, then put it away. I've always been a stickler about sample sizes. I just think running 800 rounds through the mag is a much better indication of its reliability than 100 rounds.

In the end, it's all about what you are comfortable with. Some folks are comfortable with doing minimum testing of equipment, some require more through testing. Some require their equipment be in mint condition, some don't. Whatever works for you, do it.


New member
If you train with them and don't abuse them

Training, in my opinion, should be pretty abusive. In my case lots of dropping on concrete floors, inadvertently getting stepped on while on those floors, getting kicked, etc. Now I am sure the magazine body will take it, but as others have stated I just prefer to mitigate some damage. I also only keep 6-8 magazines for most of my carry pistols, so were a magazine to go down I wouldn't want to be out a carry magazine hence separate sets.

As you said, it's really personal preference.