Magpul Glock mag?


New member
I'd buy one if the price is right. I haven't seen many G17 magazine's locally in years and the ones I've seen are over $30.
I just checked Midway and Glock are in-stock at $25 and Magpul are out-of-stock at $15.


New member
I just received two Magpul Glock mags in the mail from Midway. I won't get a change to try them out for a week or two, but here a few initial impressions:

The polymer is very different from that of the 5.56mm PMAGS. It is much more rigid and more matte in appearance. The polymer seems much tougher than the softer polymer used in Glock's steel-lined mags, but less even in appearance. The mag body actually feels less flexible than that of steel-lined Glock mags.

The baseplate is very easy to remove for cleaning, as advertised.

The spring tension seems pretty strong. The springs themselves appear to be coated in some type of varnish.

Uncle Malice

New member
Bad news for you guys that ordered the first release:

Statement from Magpul CEO

OK we screwed up. After initial release of the Glock 17 PMag (GL9) a few days ago we started seeing random issues of failure to feed with the new magazine in other Glock models primarily the Glock 19 and 26. Of all the challenges of building a Glock magazine with single new composite, issues like drop free, impact strength and feed lip retention were foremost on our mind. The failure to feed came as a bit of a surprise to us and we immediately headed out to the range to investigate. In short order found the problem. Without getting into technical details, some small, but critical geometry changes did not make it into the initial production molds. We should have caught this but no failures showed up on our factory guns during live fire testing and flaws in our internal processes of checks/balances did not flag the oversight as it should. So as I said before, we screwed up and here is what we are going to do about it.

Molds are being updated with the correct geometry as we speak and a replacement magazine body with the correct geometry should be available by May 4th 2015. These will be date coded 5/15 and later and will replace any magazine bodies in service of earlier manufacture. Just use your existing spring, follower, and floor plate with the new body.

- If you purchased your magazines direct from Magpul, Brownells or Midway, you do not need to do anything, replacement magazine bodies for the magazines (1 for 1) ordered will be shipped to you automatically.

-If your purchased your magazines from a gun store, replacements will be sent out to the store in question for you to pick up.

-If neither of the above works for you then Magpul customer service will handle the replacement directly.

In short, we are updating ALL of the affected magazines released as quick as we possibly can.

Richard Fitzpatrick
Magpul Industries Corp

But good on them for jumping on the problem and being proactive.


New member
The news isn't too bad, since Magpul will be sending me new mags without my having to do anything. Good on Magpul for adressing this quickly, but still, this never should have happened. These mags should have been tested with all Glocks that could use them, including the 19 and 26, especially when taking into account Magpul's claims of "boring reliability."

Between this and their second-rate non-reinforced AK mags, this makes me wonder if Magpul has sacrificed a bit of their top-notch reputation in exchange for getting thier feet in new markets.


New member
These mags should have been tested with all Glocks that could use them, including the 19 and 26, especially when taking into account Magpul's claims of "boring reliability."

You didn't read what they said:

We should have caught this but no failures showed up on our factory guns during live fire testing
It isn't easy to test a product as extensively as the early adopters naturally will.
I'm not buying any unless they turn out to be drop free. Then I MIGHT consider a complete conversion, but I won't go half and half for sure.


New member
It also said boringly reliable... :D

I wonder if anyone will offer extended base plates (+2, +3) for the Magpul.

I like the Pearce +3s in my carbine (33 round mags are just longer than I care for).



New member
Magpul,s website says that they drop free.

They do, I can confirm that. I picked up two the day before the recall. They will be shipping out the replacement bodies in the beginning of May. It sucks that they screwed up, but the quick fix and announcement made up for it. I'm not to worried. These mags were for range use or backups on camping trips. I'll just make sure to run several hundred rounds through them before putting them in my bags.

Fwiw, I ran about 100 rounds through each of mine and have had no issues. They were all 115 gr RN and not HPs though.