Magnums and those who use em

Chad Young

New member
Here is a much better and safer idea - all NAA Mini-Mag style guns in .22Mag are designed such that the cylinder can be replaced with a cylinder for firing .22 Long Rifle, long, Short, and Short rifle.

I do this on a semi-regular basis - put in the .22MAG cylinder for the ,22Mag ammo, and then pop in the other one for the .22LR ammo.

To explain - the 22LR case uses a "heeled bullet." The case and bullet are .22 inches in diameter. The .22MAgnum is not heeled, and this has a larger diameter case. IF you put a .22LR in a .22Mag chamber, it will probably fire, but the case will almost certainly rupture as it will not be fitting the chamber.

Henry Bowman

Greetings Mal H-

Sorry if I sounded abrasive as it wasn't intended. I have shot dozens of the little NAA with a couple different styles of stocks and currently own a pair of the old Casull/FA derringers. one has the small stock and the other I just found some old boot grip style stocks which are somewhat larger and extend beyond and enclose the frame. The technique I use is to lay my left thumb on the backstrap thn grip with my right hand around both my thumb and gripframe naturally thumbing the action with my right thumb. RAE, it's my opinion that our government has already branded gunowners as outlaws. The eastern universities have already invented a mental health desease that we apparently all have. Syptoms include love of mechanical things (guns-motorcycles-etc) and enjoyment of sports like the martial arts. We're being phased out folks. Good to talk with you all, henry

Jim March

New member
Don't shoot LRs out of a .22Mag cylinder!!!

The ONE time I tried it, I blew the front sight clean off my Freedom Arms 4-shot .22Mag mini.

What happens is that the round "bounces around" as it heads down the oversized cylinder wall, and can hit the throat at a cockeyed angle. That causes a sudden "impact" and in my case, the shock made the front sight go flying.

NAA is 100% *correct*, that warning isn't just the usual "lawyer BS". Even if nothing actually pops loose, you can bet it's shaking up the gun something fierce.



New member
Henry, my friend,

I'm belatedly weighing in on your side. Some people need to get a life. We already have clinton and algore with our best interests at heart. We don't need these overcautious soccer mom twits with their worries about our safety, do we?
Thank you guys, but please worry about yourselves. I and I'm sure most of the others can take care of ourselves and if not, we will pay the consequences. Rest your little minds!