Made in the USA.... or not.


New member
My Beretta reads "ACKK, MD" on the slide and my P226 reads "Exeter, NH" on it's slide. Does that make them American pistols? ;) Kidding. I know they are both 100% foreign designs, but now that both companies have plants in the US and both were made by US workers, does that qualify for supporting US companies? I think so.


New member
My rifles and revolvers are all American made. Sadly, I no longer own any American semi-auto pistols. Currently, the semi-autos are BHP in 40 S&W, CZ-97B, and 3 Glocks (1-G-19 & 2-G-23s).


New member
I know this thread was done before...but I'll bite. I said I wanted to buy an awesome 9mm American handgun, and was told that the XD9 is made in Croatia, Glock in Austria, Beretta in Italy, and Sigs in Germany.

After that, I just got frustrated.

Oh well, I guess that means I'll by a wheelgun from Taurus. Oops, they're made in Brazil. :eek:

I am buying ALL CHINESE from here on out. They need the money to build up their armed services, keep their economy strong, and crush all the freedom-loving people everywhere when they get strong enough. YAYYYY CHINA! WOO-HOO! COMMUNISM REALLY DOES PAY OFF! Thank you Richard Nixon for getting the ball, er, money, rolling into China. Who would've thought, back in '71, that such a gesture on behalf of our American corporations, could have helped the Red Chinese down the road to world economic domination?"


Ultimately, my money may end up in the bank account of a foreign company. But I buy my guns from a local, AMERICAN dealer. Just as I bought my Nissan truck(used) from an AMERICAN car dealer. My parts may be foreign, but I bought them from my AMERICAN parts store. It all helps our local economy.

Something no one has mentioned was that at one time, S&W was an American company owned by a British plumbing company. An right now, isn't Winchester/Olin/FN/Browning all owned by a FRENCH firm?


New member
I know this thread was done before...but I'll bite. I said I wanted to buy an awesome 9mm American handgun, and was told that the XD9 is made in Croatia, Glock in Austria, Beretta in Italy, and Sigs in Germany.

After that, I just got frustrated.

Oh well, I guess that means I'll by a wheelgun from Taurus. Oops, they're made in Brazil. :eek:

I am buying ALL CHINESE from here on out. They need the money to build up their armed services, keep their economy strong, and crush all the freedom-loving people everywhere when they get strong enough. YAYYYY CHINA! WOO-HOO! COMMUNISM REALLY DOES PAY OFF! Thank you Richard Nixon for getting the ball, er, money, rolling into China. Who would've thought, back in '71, that such a gesture on behalf of our American corporations, could have helped the Red Chinese down the road to world economic domination?"

I would MUCH rather see a strong China or strong Russia than a strong France, Germany, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia.

Though organized religion is discouraged by the fascist/pseudo communist government, a majority of Chinese are Buddhist/Taoist/Christian/Falung Gong.
In Russia, a majority of the population is Orthodox CHRISTIAN. (YES, CHRISTIAN).
The Chinese have the population (and good food), the Russians have the land (and the babes).
They're not Arab/Muslim/Fundamentalists that want to behead the infidels (yes, that's you and me, Bob).
With the rate of investment and economic growth, Russia and China are far more likely candidates to join the US as "superpowers" than say, North Korea or France. BTW: Russia has plenty of oil---it's just a matter of kissing their ass as opposed to public-beheadings-daily-on-state-run-TV Saudi Arabia.

And you want a weaker China while countries like France continue to purposefully drive up the value of the Euro in order to stomp the value of the dollar into the dirt? (not to mention talk **** about us in front of the world and do business with ex-"President" Saddam Hussein).

I'm all for slamming China for its fascist government, but with proper encouragement and the passing of the "old school" Commie party leaders, a Free Chinese Republic would be something I can see the USA benefiting from if we extended our hand.

Just my two cents ;)


New member
I buy whatever guns work best for me. In my house we have 2 guns made in the Czech Republic and 2 American pistols (Kel-Tec and a Springfield, but the Springfield frame was forged in Brazil.)

DannyB KY

New member
Seth, thats an interesting perspective. I gotta think about that for a while.

All of my guns so far, are US made. I think. All 4 of them.

But I assure you that will change. I'm in the process of obtaining my FFL and starting a small gun shop.


New member
regardless of gun origin

Buy American ammo.

I never considered where my guns come from; I considered how they shoot.



Where do I send your change for your two cents.

China does more to weaken our currency than France and the euro. Please. If Russia has so much oil why are they building pipe lines into the middle east to pull oil out. Your post smacks of ignorance and racism. Sorry but just calling it like I see it.

Back to the real topic. If the US makes the best product that meets my criteria then I buy it. If not my money goes somewhere else. There should be no reward for inferior products in a free market place.


New member
I Agree

I agree with JDB we just make China Stonger and the good ol USA won't be long till we'll be sneaking across China's border looking for jobs.If we keep it up will our childern have a future.


I don't think he qualifies as a Nazi. But I really did like the comments about "Arab/Muslim/Fundamentalists" as if there are not Jewish, Christian and Other types of fundamentalists.

We will only be going to China to look for jobs if we want to manufacture plastic toys for the dollar store or go backwards to a manufacturing economy. We have moved beyond that as a country. People don't seem to like hearing that buts it true.


New member
Arab/Muslim/Fundamentalists" as if there are not Jewish, Christian and Other types of fundamentalists
. Or as in the people who are actively trying to destroy us as we speak.
I don't think Nazi fits either any more than racist but either/or seem to be the default insult accusations for any that don't agree with whatever our particular political leanings are these days


New member
Okay, so we have moved "beyond a manufacturing economy" into exactly what kind of economy? China does not just make cheap, plastic, crap. They will be bringing their ultra-cheap Chery autos here in '07 (with the help of of Malcolm Bricklin, and his band of renowns). If you say "service economy", I'll ask if you want fries with that. This country grew into being a world leader as a manufacturing economy. China's markets are, to a great extant, closed to us, as are many other asian markets. Why should we allow their stuff into our country with any more freedom than they allow us? The Chinese government has lately said they will open their market in "high technology" products to us(you know, the ones that will help them copy our superior military electronics manufacturing). The Yuan's valued at about 60% of what it should be. Make no mistake, China plays "hardball" in every arena they enter. Their trade mission pissed all over ours just two weeks ago. Our trade deficit with China will be the undoing of foriegn investment in this country. When that happens, we really will be "through". Where do you think all the investment capital supporting our economic expansion and housing "bubble" has been coming from? (I'll give you a hint, it wasn't GM!) Wall street is where that money comes from, they get it, in very large part, from FORIEGN INVESTMENT. Where do you think China has been investing the hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars? Have you taken a look at their military modernization and build-up program lately? What country is making the most aircraft carriers in the world? Yup, China. What country is most actively pursuing our military secrets? You guessed it AGAIN! China! They have already stolen our latest generation of nuke designs and completed the development on them. Remember the big flap over this back in '96? Someone posted earlier about China needing us. They do, for now. How long till the "America cow" runs dry? Do you think for a minute China will rush to our aid? When I posted earlier that "Communism pays", this is to what I was referring. Keep pumping money and scrap metal into China. They own most of the ocean shipping business, and for every load of plastic crap coming into our ports, they take back a load of money and scrap metal. Those freighters don't sail empty. Coming down the pike next: The REAL "high cost of low prices". Sorry for the long rant here. I have been watching this situation develop for over twenty years. Don't take it personally, just try to look around and ask questions, we are STILL mostly allowed to do that, unlike the average Chinese subject wading through the Benzine-laced flood tide in their neighborhood.