M4 Question


New member
Just throwing my 2 cents into the ring, but I know that I'm incredibly happy with my 6.8 SPC AR platform (RRA 16 Mid). Putting a 115 grain HP bullet or a 110 grain Soft Point downrange at approx 2500 fps muzzle translates into a lot of energy. Plus you can hunt deer with it! ; ) All the stuff I've read (which amounts to hearsay, of course) raves about it, and allegedly is thought of fondly within certain SpecOps communities. For me it was about being able to push a bigger bullet down range without having to swap out a lot, and have a much more versatile round in the AR platform. I don't mean to start a flame war, but I'm a big fan of the platform exactly because I can swap my uppers from 5.56 to 6.8. I'm even thinking of picking up a 204 Ruger upper for varmint work. The only down side is the ammo cost (and availability), which is about twice that of 223/556. Again, another reason I got into handloading
Again, FWIW, my 2 cents...maybe just 1 cent?


New member
The only saving grace is, I can deduct it on my taxes.

How does that work?

Real easy.

LEO's can deduct two guns a year, plus ammo, holsters and what not that is not provided for in the Uniform Allowance or compensated for. I'm deducting LFI when I do this year's taxes, plus the bullets and a few holsters.

If you buy two guns a year, I may buy a few more just because I want to, after a twenty year career you should have a pretty nice gun collection.



New member
Nice perk! Thanks for increasing my knowledge.

Now if I could only figure out how to do that with my hunter ed guns, I would be happy...

I could deduct my uniforms in the Army, but not any guns...guess I chose the wrong career!