M1 Garand


New member
I didn't think it was your intent, so I didn't say anything, until you took issue with Old Grump.

Just realize that per the protocols some of us (who I suspect are older than you, but I could be wrong) were taught regarding uses of the flag, do not allow for your display.


New member

It's done all the time to display classic American arms medals swords. Some folks are just trigger happy or need some prunes.



New member
MJ1, olympic athletes also wear flag-based warmups.

Just because things are commonly done, sometimes even with great fanfare, it doesn't mean they are right.


New member
He neatly laid an obviously well-cared-for flag on a table, then laid a symbol of American history on it and took a picture. After that he neatly folded it up and put it away. As a Marine infantry veteran, I found the picture classy and respectful and I have no problem with it.
He neatly laid an obviously well-cared-for flag on a table, then laid a symbol of American history on it and took a picture. After that he neatly folded it up and put it away. As a Marine infantry veteran, I found the picture classy and respectful and I have no problem with it.

Thank you Theohazard for seeing it the same I did when setting up for this photo. I have a large amount of respect for the American Flag and what it stands for. Back in my day we were taught that respect every day as we stood up for the pledge of allegiance in school, something that is missing in todays world.


New member
Theohazard, I understand your point. For what it's worth, I even agree with it on the one hand. But on the other, it isn't technically proper, and I understand Old Grump's issue with it. If the OP had responded to Old Grump in the respectful manner in which he responded to you and me, I would not have said anything.

I appreciate the OP's good intentions, and his artistic setup. I don't appreciate him taking the tone he did with Old Grump about an honest (and technically correct) criticism.
Fair enough and my apologies to Old Grump... Heat of the moment statement on my part that i'm willing to man up to and respectfully take back. I realize Old Grump is a pillar in good standing here and rightfully so.


New member
Personally I think displaying the Flag w/the M1 is classic.

What more then the two represent the American Soldier. Both are classics, One of a Kind.

Now if it had been an AK or SKS, I'd probably through a Hissy Fit myself.


New member
kraigwy, I think Old Grump's issue was not the combination of flag and rifle, it was that the flag appeared to be laid out on a platform of some sort, with the rifle resting on it.

I think Grump would have been fine with it, if the flag had been hung, and the rifle on a stand or similar in front of the flag.

When I first saw the photo, I liked the composition and effect. When I read Old Grump's criticism, I understood what (I think) he meant, and realized he had a point.

Meanwhile, I'm happy with straight-shooter's recent post, where he recognized and recanted his harsh tone. And, like I said, I like the composition and the rifle. And I don't think he realized that anybody might take issue, nor that he meant to offend in any way.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
If the flag had been hung on the wall with the field to the left per protocol and you displayed the rifle on a rack in front of it I would have approved very much. This trend to wearing clothing made up of the flag or Athletes dragging a holiday sized flag on the ground behind them to celebrate their victory takes away any glory those talented but ignorant bastards had earned when they treated the flag like a rug. If they cannot treat the flag with the respect it deserves then they should keep their sweaty little hands off of it.

A flag patch or pin on your hat or coat or shirt yes but a coat or shirt or blouse made from a flag make me very uncomfortable and flashes me right back to draft card and flag burning by the unwashed dopers and freaks supported so vigorously by the Democratic Left. Now we have a resident in the White House who is loath to honor the flag and this makes me even more upset and while I know you intentions were good the methodology was wrong and easily correctable.
Just for you Old Grump, i've changed the theme of representing an American icon, the M1 Garand. I still feel that the flag was quite fitting but anywho...


Old Grump

Member in memoriam
maybe when I get my M1 I'll post all my medals with it and see how PO'd some old salts get
The more the merrier, make sure to include targets and trophies too. Maybe you can make a trophy thread for M1 shooters only.