M&P Trigger: Why I Can't Shoot it Consistenly


New member
Hey all,
Some of you may have read previous posts of mine where I talk about issues I have had with a M&P 9. Basically it seems low and left one day, dead on the next, then back to low and left.

Well, my father always said it's important to admit when you're wrong. I shot some more rounds through it yesterday and and had nice groupings right on, or an inch above, center at 30 feet. It would seem to be me, I guess at least until I go back to shooting low and left again lol. Or to put it another way, "it's me, not you".

I am mind boggled at this point. Yesterday I focused very hard on trigger control. For the life of me I can't seem to "feel" the breakpoint in this trigger. I just did slow and steady squeezes until the gun went off. I am starting to get an idea on where the breakpoint is, if it has one, but I really don't know. I am used to crisp single action or hard double action and I feel like striker fire just has me in a haze.

Have other folks had this problem, and if so how did you get around it?

One issue, or not really an issue, right now is that I have a S&W shipping label sitting in front of me. Do I call them and say it's not a problem? The only other complaint I have with the gun is it often shoots brass right at my head (I am not limp wristing) but if the shooting is my fault I don't want to waste their time.



New member
I cut my teeth on single action, such as the 1911 and Beretta 92. When I first started shooting DA pistols (the Glock 19 was my first), I had trigger pull problems. I simply had to train out of the problem.

While I only have one SA pistol, my 1911, I still enjoy shooting it more than all more other DA pistols.


New member
If it consistantly throwing brass in your face, you may have an issue for repair work to be done. Otherwise, the M&P trigger is just well known for being real spongy feeling (even for a polymer striker pistol.) I would say send it in to them. Worst case scenario: They send it back and say nothing is out of order.

Uncle Malice

New member
Order this and install it: https://apextactical.com/store/product-info.php?pid35.html

Thank me later.

It will produce once of the finest striker fired triggers that money can buy at a relatively decent cost. I have done dozens of Glock trigger jobs, XD/XDM trigger jobs and trigger kits, and others.

The APEX kit really transforms the gun, completely. It's pretty incredible how good this trigger can be with a few small modifications compared to how BAD it is from the factory. I don't understand why S&W did this. They produced a polymer, striker fired gun with superior ergonomics to just about everything else on the market, excellent accuracy, good sights, and gave it a terrible trigger.

Do yourself a favor and get the DCAEK. (Get the RAM too, if you want that positive reset bump like what you feel on the glock trigger)


New member
Why can't these companies just give you the right set up from the get go? They have to know that the trigger is not what it should be thus..the new enhance trigger. I'm tired of hearing..great gun BUT had to do some work on so and so to get the gun right. Sorry for the rant...just hate having to pay 500 plus on a gun then having to modify something as important as a trigger to make it right. Some may say one shoe does not fit all. But I say, it's no coincidence that MOST do like the enhance trigger....go figure.


New member
For those of you that got the DCAEK, did you install it yourselves? I'm a pretty smart guy, but I have never done a complete disassembly on a firearm.

Uncle Malice

New member
Yep, did it myself. Apex has some videos online showing how to do it. It's quite easy. All you need is a hammer, a small allen wrench and a punch. They include the tool to help you drift the rear sight off. You can also call them if you get stuck. Good customer service.


New member
A bunch of the guys I shoot with use M&P pistols for IDPA. All but one have installed the Apex DCAEK. The one who hasn't, did not because he bought the M&P Pro; but, having shot the other guys' Apex rigs, he now plans to install the Apex, as well. He feels the Pro trigger is better than the standard, but not as good as the Apex.

I just ordered Apex DCAEK kits for my new M&P45 and M&P45c; I'll be home to install them in a couple weeks, and will let you know how the install goes.

I've previously installed one Apex trigger kit, but that was in a J-frame. Took less than an hour, and most of the delay was me having to replay parts of the video because I wasn't fast enough to keep up with it. If the M&P video is of the same quality, the installation itself should be a no-brainer.


New member
Went to my local gun shop tonight for some range time. They had a M&P for sale that was a trade in. The previous owner had done the Apex trigger. The difference is insane. I could feel the break point easily (his was the Competition Kit). This should be standard on all of them. Definitely convinced to go with Apex. The comments here make me feel confident with doing it myself. Thanks for all the tips.

Don Glock

my experience was similar with the m&p's i used to own. it's a combination of the trigger pull and undefined, generic feeling grip.

met a guy at the range the other day that had the same issue.


I know this is in the Semi-auto section, but I was wondering about the Apex kit for my S&W J-frame revolver. Is it really any better than putting in Wolff a spring kit in?


New member
8shot357, I had a GP100 and an SP101 with Wolff kits, but haven't had Wolff in a S&W, so I can't compare directly.

But the Apex in my J-frame feels much nicer, smooth 9lb pull, than did the Wolff in the SP101, although that wasn't bad.

Also, the Wolff kits were installed by the seller (shop owner dabbled in gunsmithing), so I don't know how they compare as far as ease of installation.


MLeake, thanks for the info, I wanted to take the cheaper route out for no, I just bought two guns ($750) in a week. I'm pretty darn broke. I shoot my 638 J-frame pretty well, so it's not like a 911 call.
