M&P Accuarcy

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all,

I'm possibly getting a S&W M&P 9c in the next few weeks which could possibly become a carry gun. Today, while discussing the M&P with someone I was advised against it. I was told that the M&P had been suffering some significant accuarcy issues. I didn't really get much past that. So here is the deal. ...

1) If there is some feud going on about this topic and I'm digging up a dead horse, I apologize. Going on what I've read about the m&p, I have not heard of any persistent problems with accuracy.

2) I could have just done a Google search but I wanted to check here before I did any more digging. I'd rather hear first hand accounts where I feel at home before entering unfamiliar waters.

3) The person who told me this had no interest in steering me away from the M&P, in fact it was the exact opposite.

So, what's the story? Lots of civilians and agencies carry them and don't seem to be complaining. Is this unsubstantiated or is there truth to it?


Uncle Malice

New member
There have been reports online about accuracy issues with some of the earlier model M&P's...

I have owned the M&P9c, M&P40c, M&P9, M&P40, M&P45c, M&P45, M&P 22, M&P 9 Shield, and the M&P9 Pro.

I have had no accuracy issues with any of them. My M&P 9 Pro is one of the most accurate guns I own - and there's nothing special about the barrel in the Pro model.. just night sight sights and improved trigger.

Get the M&P 9c with no worries. IF (and that's a big if) there is any issue with it, Smith & Wesson has a lifetime warranty and superb customer service. You have nothing to worry about. I would recommend getting the Apex Tactical DCAEK trigger kit for the gun, and probably night sights... but those are just upgrades. The M&P series are some of my favorite guns. Ergonomics are excellent.

Enjoy the gun!


New member
If im not mistaken, there was in issue with barrel lockup timing on the 9mm versions... that has been rectified. Also, the rifling on the 9mm has been changed to help better stabilize the heavier rounds. If it is of recent manufacture - buy with confidence.


Easy fixes....

I've owned 2 S&W Military and Police models in the past.
I'd buy a new one if I had the $$$. They are decent pistols & you can upgrade a few of the features.
I'd suggest the new Apex Tactical Polymer Trigger Kit, a stainless match grade barrel like a Storm Lake & maybe Trijicon HD night sights(3 dot) or XS big dot sights. I like bright night sights on carry/duty sidearms.

I have noticed new unfired M&P models with awful triggers. I think it's S&W's factory cranking out as many new items as they can w/o proper QC. :mad:

They do offer lifetime service plans so it's not like they can't correct any major problems.

chris in va

New member
Top shooter at our matches uses a 9mm. I asked him about the issue, he had to replace his barrel due to slowly disintegrating accuracy issues. I think he mentioned lockup issues.


New member
I believe the earlier models in 9mm had slow rifling and suffered poor accuracy with some loads. My understanding is this had been fixed.


New member
I owned an early production M&P 9mm fullsize and a current production M&P 9mm fullsize. I shot neither very well. The M&P 9mm compacts I've owned have been laser beams. I shoot them far better.


New member
My younger brother has one, and has practiced to the point that he outshot me with his M&P 9mm, when I was using a Springfield TRP 1911... Not by much, but he did beat me in 5 shot strings at 25 yards... Im OK with a pistol and feel pretty confident, but I didnt expect that out of him! :eek:


New member
The accuracy issues occurred with earlier models of full size 9mm and were a problem mostly at a distance of twenty five yards or thereabouts. It also had to do with 115gr & 124gr. bullets. 147gr worked better.

S&W has changed the barrel and is using a faster twist rate.

This information is what I've read on the S&W Forum.


New member
I have been carrying the M&P 45C for several years and a shooting buddy of mine carries the 9C. Neither of us have had any accuracy issues. These are great shooting and carry guns. As someone mentioned earlier, S&W offers some of the best CS in the business.


New member
The accuracy issues never affected the M&P compacts in any caliber as far as I know, and it was only the full-size 9mm's that had any issues. The problem has supposedly been fixed but I have heard some reports that the problem is still there. I don't have any experience with a newer model so I can't really comment for sure.

I had a 5/2012 production M&P9 FS that had the accuracy issues. At 15yds it was like a laser, 1-2" groups were the norm with decent ammo. At 25yds the best group I got was 7" with the average in the 8-10" range. Heavier ammo helped a little but it was more of a band-aid then a real fix. This was after it had been sent back to S&W, it was a little worse when I first got it.

I really wanted to like my M&P but the accuracy issues and non-existence magazines for the nine months I had it were a deal breaker for me and I sold it. With the magazine issue currently resolved I would have no problem recommending the full-size M&P as long as the accuracy issues have truly been fixed.

I may try the M&P again but for now I am enjoying my FNS.


New member
My wife has an M&P9 and an M&P Shield. Once she got used to the triggers they became scary accurate.


New member
I've got a full size .40 that is deadly accurate when I'm on my A game, and good enough for a gunfight when I'm having a bad day. I had a shield in .40 that was terrible, and I was going to sell it or trade it. I then took a real good look at it and found the front sight was shifted to the left. I had it fixed, shot it a few more times and sold it anyway.
My full size .40 is amazing though. I did a trigger job and polished the internals. I placed fairly well in my last ZSA match in a field of experienced gamers. I'd pick one up and fast. Its comfortable to carry, easy to shoot, and everyone I've seen or shot has been built like a rock. It takes my abuse, and when I am willing to hand it over, it takes anyone else's abuse that gets their hands on it.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Thanks for the replies everyone. Here is a little more background on how I've come to become a potential M&P 9c owner:

6 months ago my edc, a S&W 637 broke and needed to be replaced. S&W had no idea when they would be able to send me a j-frame (and I was willing to take any j frame) so they offered to send me a M&P 9c and because of the hassle they made it a Crimson trace model that I was assured was in Stock and would ship right away. That was three weeks ago and no word at my ffl. I've had great CS from S&W I the past but it seems those days are gun. I wonder when the last time all the people who swear by their CS actually had to use it...

Anyways, I've only carried j-frames and single stacks so I was kind of excited to try something else out.

Does Anyone use a CT grip on their M&P? From what I understand they are larger than the largest back strap?

Uncle Malice

New member
I used the S&W customer service in 2010 and it was a wonderful experience. I bought a used, broken gun for super cheap. Didn't know it was broken at the time of purchase, just got a killer deal. Sent the gun to them to look at... they determined it could not be repaired, and sent me a brand new factory gun at no charge.

I have not needed them since.

As for the Crimson Trace, I had the CT grips on my M&P 40C. I wouldn't say they were larger than the largest backstrap. Perhaps close in size to the largest, but just by memory I want to say more like an in-between from medium to large. Not unreasonably large in any case.

Not sure what's going on with your shipment, but I wouldn't be too concerned. Hope you have good luck in the future.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Malice, that's about the time I last used their CS and it was for the same gun. At that timethe service was great. I got called when the gun arrived, when theyhad it diagnosed and even once it was shipped.

I'm glad to hear the grips are not as big as others made them out to be. I had a set for my 637 and found them to be a great addition.

I plan on calling them Monday but I honestly don't think I'll get any answers. They are swamped. According to one guy (mark, huge jerk) there is one guy handling over 5000 replacement orders and he was brought out of retirement (Larry, nice guy) and only works half days. if I don't have a gun at the ffl by Jan 2nd, I'll open up a bbb complaint. From what I've read online, that will usually get their attention.


New member
My 2009 M&P 9c was plenty accurate. Of course I never tried shots outside of 25 yards with it, so maybe off hand beyond 75 feet the groups do open up a bit.

The person you spoke to probably has something against American made products.


New member
ct grips

grips feel a bit different as they are fatter. The battery on each side is the reason. Guessing 1/4" total.

It is a trade off as any additional width is felt when carried at 4 o'clock.

Can't say it is a big deal but it is there if not used to it to start with.

Still shoots the same. Still feels good in the hand.

I strongly agree with the others that a apex duty trigger makes this a much better gun.

Shadi Khalil

New member
My 2009 M&P 9c was plenty accurate. Of course I never tried shots outside of 25 yards with it, so maybe off hand beyond 75 feet the groups do open up a bit.

The person you spoke to probably has something against American made products.

Actually the guy who told me this is someone who I've known and trusted for years. He works at one of the better (probably the best) gun stores in NoVa and was only relying info from what the gunsmith is getting in returns. As I said before, the employee has no interest in steering me away. If I cross over to the M&P I'll be buying new holsters, magazines, night sights, ect, all from the shop.


New member
Like lil_bro said, the accuracy issues aren't an issue with the compacts to my knowledge and even at that seem to center around the 9mm full size. It's not a problem with every M&P9FS (mine is fine) but it is prevalent enough that it's worth mentioning.