M&P 9c: First Time Out


New member
Well, I just got out my Lyman Revolver and Pistol loading manual. I stated above that the site Load Data gives ~1170 fps with a 115 grain HP with 5.0 grains of W231.

The Lyman manual gives 1253 fps at 32,100 CUP with 4.9 grains of W231 and this is the MAXIMUM load! I've got an older manual where I got 5.0 grains but don't have it in front of me now. The manual stated the data came from a 4" Universal Receiver.

This same manual lists a 4.2 grain Maximum load with a 125 grain pointed cast bullet for 1116 fps and again I'm using 5.0 grains with a 125 grain round nose cast lead bullet. Anyway, my loads shoot very well at 5.0 grains and I'm not changing anything. No pressure signs and no ejection problems.

The only thing I could find on velocity for Federal 9mm Champion was a post in the highroad which stated that Champion is 1120 fps and American Eagle is 1180 fps for the 115 grain load. There are references on the net to Champion being under powered and therefore causes ejection problems.

Hope this helps...


New member
Second range day:

So...it didn't go very well.

What did I do in an attempt to remedy any spring issues? Left the slide locked back for a good 60 hrs. I also cycled the slide the slide fully back a good 500 times.

Got to the range and put another 150 rds through it. 100 was 124gr American Eagle and the rest, 50, was 115gr Federal Champ. The good news was the accuracy was still great. The bad news was the ejection was just as bad. I didn't see any improvement in the ejection at all. It didn't seem to make any difference which ammo I shot. A lot of brass off the forehead. The casings that didn't hit me just barely cleared my right shoulder. It was really a bummer. I tried the same ammo through my XDm and HK that I had with me, no issues whatsoever. I sadly think this is destined for a trip back to S&W.


New member
I notice my M&P9 is more sensitive to where I place my finger on the trigger. It groups just fine either way but the midpoints of the groups will be an inch or two apart.

The biggest danger I've found with the 9c is if you hurry a reload and don't get your finger out of the way you can end up with a blood blister from getting pinched between the magazine base and the grip. I've a class coming up next month and anticipate getting pinched a few times. I mostly shoot a full-sized M&P45 and didn't anticipate this particular problem.


New member
Called S&W today. Spoke to a nice man, said best course of action is to send it in. They're sending me a shipping label. Will be sad to see it go, really like it regardless. But hopefully it will be back within a month.


New member
S&W 9C Same Problem

I'm right there with you. Last night was my 2nd trip to the range with the same problems you have. Mine has maybe 100 rounds thru it but yesterday was worse than the 1st time. S&W is sending me a shipping label so off it will go. I hope we have good luck with this issue.


New member
Welcome to the forum!

And yea I feel your pain. It's a shame because I honestly am starting to love this gun. The accuracy, size, weight, and balance are just about perfect for me. I hope it gets resolved and yours too.


New member
Just a quick update.

I got the firearm back from S&W today. The repair sheet reads as follows:

Replace Extractor
Replace Extractor Spring
Barrel Modification
Range Tested/Meets Spec

The "Barrel Modification" threw me for a loop. In examining it side by side with my other M&P 9c I can't see anywhere that a modification was made, but idk for sure (I can always call I suppose). I also notice that while they didn't replace the ejector it now has an angled cut whereas before it was flat. I appreciate them doing that.

Anyway, I took it to the range and ran 100 rds of 115 gr Blazer Brass through it. Not the best ammo, but I wanted to see if it would work with underpowered ammo. The first round went boink off the top of my hat and my heart sank a little. However, out of the 100 rds fired I would say 1-2 boinked my head total. The rest ejected to the 4-5 o'clock position. To be fair I may have limp wristed those rounds as I am a bit sick this week.

The rest of the function was fine. I wanted to give S&W the kudos for apparently fixing the issue. :cool:
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