M&P 45 behaving real low down


New member
A poster in another forum states that the M&P trigger is purpose designed to be usable and safe by rank and file police officers with no particular affinity for firearms. I too am inclined to think that the problem lies with the shooter and some acclimation is needed. The M&P is especially difficult to warm up to if you have just been shooting a finely tuned 1911.

Roland Thunder

New member
I have an M&P 45c and I can shoot it more accurately than my Sig 226 9mm even though it is a smaller gun with a more potent round. Then again, I have the Apex trigger kit on it too.
I have an M&P 45c and I can shoot it more accurately than my Sig 226 9mm even though it is a smaller gun with a more potent round. Then again, I have the Apex trigger kit on it too.

GregInAtl: Sir sorry I'm a bit confused? you said you re-worked the trigger by installing an Apex trigger kit on your Sig? or was it done to the S&W M&P or both? thank you, SSMcG

Will Beararms

New member
Some M&P slides crack but usually with higher round counts. Heck all slides will crack with high round counts. You might want to make sure there's not a crack in the slide.


New member
@ Sure Shot McGee
Some folks get around the M&P trigger by installing replacement trigger assembly kits. These can be purchased online, look for Apex Tactical, and then installed themselves if you're feeling skilled or by a local gunsmith. Most people that do this feel it helps a great deal. The other option is to have S&W do work on the trigger, which their Performance Center will do. This is sometimes regarded as better because it won't void the warranty as some mods can, but I have never heard of S&W refusing warranty work for a trigger job (though some manufacturers do). If you do send it to S&W they might do this for a nominal fee given your complaint.


New member

I know there have been several shoot your sons M&P, and yes, the M&P trigger takes a bit of getting used to. Although the trigger will smooth out a bit, there's a previous point that, IMO, needs looked into... Has any of the people that shot the M&P , shot them before?
Unless you know for sure, it's very likely the LEO's that shot the pistol have never handled the M&P before. Many LEO's simply are not gun enthusiasts.

It may be worth your while to check this out. If they(people whom have shot pistol) are not familiar with the M&P, find someone in your area to give you an accurate assessment of whats going on.

Too, as Don H suggested, shoot it from a rest.

Contrary to what some want to seemingly believe, It's not at all impossible for S&W to turn out an inferior gun. I.E.... Out of spec bbl bushing(just one example) may not be the norm but have happened. Yours may be one with some sort of problem, but I would check things out before throwing in the towel. I'd also bet if there's something wrong with the pistol S&W will make it right.

Please keep us informed of your findings.
Don H suggested, shoot it from a rest.

Thanks, Will Beararms and Shortwave for today's comments. To answer Don's suggestion. Yes we both did. {The son and I.} Shot that pistol from a bench rest position {not a vise type Ransom but sitting at a cement slab table with a few piled shot bags and over a Caldwell Tack Driver bag.}
As far as the officers and what they were carrying I do believe both were holstering Glocks. And I never bothered to ask either officer if they were familiar with M&Ps. We all were just mystified why none of us couldn't get that pistol to target correctly after we all took a try at it. The private shooting Club I belong too. Has no range managers on duty. Unless there is a competitive event happening on that particular field. Will Beararms: After near a 100 rounds shot through the M&P. Son just cased it.:( And neither of us inspected its slide. We finished out the day with my Series 70 Pre-National Match 1911 and a S&W 41 to bring back smiles for us both. SSMcG
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New member
We finished out the day with my Series 70 Pre-National Match 1911 and a S&W 41 to bring back smiles for us both.

You finished the day with some of the best handguns, and triggers, that money can buy. If your son expects similar performance out of an M&P, I'm sorry but I don't know if he's going to get it. The M&P is a service weapon, nothing more. While it can be an accurate gun, it's not in the same league as those two other firearms, not by a long shot IMO.

Let us know what he ends up doing either way.