Low-power 9x19 data

Zak Smith

New member
One more note from today's experiment:

The 115 @ 880 fps (100 PF) loads would not cycle the Glock 19. They worked fine in the CZ.


Zak Smith

New member
VV-N320 data

11-9-2002, 45F, 5000'
Control .22LR/Browning: 1046
Following shot in CZ75BSA

VV-N320, West-Coast plated round-nose (PRN) 115gr, 1.120" and Hornady XTP 115gr to 1.100"
         PRN           XTP
3.5-    893 (47)      924 (55)
3.8-    946 (83)     1017 (31)
4.1-   1010 (14)     1107 (21)
4.4-   1122 (16)     1152 (12)
4.7-   1167 (16)     1207 (16)
5.0-   1212 ( 6)     1248 (15)
5.3-   1257 (17)     1302 ( 3)

I'm not sure why the two lightest PRN loads varied so much. It may be because the seating on those was particularly inconsistent. In the Hornady dies, I was having a hard time getting them to seat straight. In the SDB, they seat fine.

The other theory is that the powder volume isn't a high enough fraction of the case volume in those loads. I could try seating them deeper and see if it gets better.

My next low-power batch will be 3.4gr VV-N320, 115gr PRN, 1.120", which should give around 872fps, or 100 PF. In addition, I'll do a batch of 3.4gr seated to 1.100" to see if the stddev goes down.

Zak Smith

New member
More data.

Over the last couple months, I've gathered some more data. I wanted to add it to this thread before TFL shuts down.

First a short digression into "normal" power 9x19.
9x19 115gr PRN (West Coast) 1.120" +/- 0.005", 4.7gr VV-N320 WSP: -> 1151fps (17.5) in CZ75B-SA
Same, but XTP, OAL 1.097" -> 1152fps (74)

Okay, back to low-power...
115gr PRN 1.120" 3.4gr VV-N320 -> 917fps (15.5) in CZ
same, but OAL = 1.100" -> 943fps (25)

Same, but 3.2gr VV-N320 -> 894fps (19.6)
Same, but WSPM -> 924fps (22.1)

Back to WSP, 3.0gr VV-N320 -> 829.6fps (35.7) in CZ (a bit too slow, fail to lock slide back)

Same, but 3.0gr Bullseye -> 900fps (26)

Bullseye has WAY more muzzle flash than VV-N320, but it operates better in this power regime. The VV-N320 starts to "drop off" non-linearly below 3.2 - 3.0gr.

In summary, I've settled on the following low-power loads:

#1: 115gr PRN (West Coast), 1.100" +/- 0.005", various brass, WSP, 3.2gr VV-N320

#2: Same, but 3.1gr Bullseye.

Both are loaded with my SDB and have the normal crimp, and both operate flawlessly in both my CZ-75B-SA and my GF's CZ-75 Compact (stock recoil springs).
