Love/Hate.........gun shows

El Barto

New member
In my own perfect little world, gunshows would be a place where dealers would offload their slow movers for under retail. I.E. dealers buy from the manufacture new for $350 (sale price for retailers only), the retailer sell at their store for an average of $600 (fair price), goes to gunshow to offload at $450.

Also, I would like to see C&Rs for what I can get them at from AIM, Century, etc. I would pay that price, maybe $10 or so over just so I can handpick and see what I get. I can't justify to myself paying almost double.


New member
PitBull's #2 point is one of my main complaints about the local gun show I go to. Although they seem to have tightened up on the junk and non-firearms related items there are still some tables I wish were not there. Although I believe in the First Amendment as much as the 2nd I also question the wisdom of some of the printed materials that are displayed for sale. We have enough trouble defending our gun rights without giving fodder to the anti-gunners by displaying such items as books entitled "How to Screw Your Wife in a Divorce", "How to Beat the Cops and the Rap", etc. Believe me, the anti-gun crowds also haunt the gun shows just looking for material they can use to paint the worst possible picture of gun owners and gun shows. Let us not be shooting ourselves in the foot just because we can.


The sort of guy selling reproduction Hitler Youth knives, SS flags and copies of the Turner Diaries doesn't do much for the image, either...


New member
It is fun to go and look at some of the people walking around. There are usually a sizable group who walk around in full camo in a pseudo miltary styled equipment.

I remember seeing a group of folks at a show in Richmond, VA, they were wearing black T-shirts with the words "Tactical Team" printed in large white letters. They each wore combat boots, camo pants and little ear pieces like the US secret service uses. They had cartrige belts, canteens and a half dozen flashlights swinging on their sides. They were really into the faux military look except that some were about 350lbs others were 70 years old with long hair and beards down to their waists. Still others were pimply faced teens, it was hilarious (to me at least). If these people want that lifestyle so much I can't understand why they (provided they are eligable) don't enlist.

It reminds me of going to a comic book show and seeing people walking around dressed as Jedi Knights.


New member
I go to get away from the wife and kids.

Nothing is more relaxing then being jammed A-holes to elbows w/2500 grown men.(Who most are in need of a good bar of soap)

I also find it even more relaxing,when the table of Scientologists tells me what I am stressed about.

Then to cap the day off at least one idiot buys some ammo, and a gun, then procceeds to load it in front of god and country. Nothing screams panic like a moron with a loaded gun in the expo center.

When it's all said in done, I could come here ask a couple questions, croll down to Budsgunshop. Get my new toy in a couple of days. All while drinking a beer in the comfort of my own home.


New member
I don't worry about anti's coming to gun shows and getting a bad impression. They've already made their minds up. They are THEE enemy and I'm not into appeasing them. :barf:
What I have a concern with is those new to the gun word or those coming to a show as a guest of a shooter friend. Having them see inappropriate materials for sale and inappropriate people attending gun shows may turn them away. Then we lose potential allies and additions to our fraternity.

Day Dreamer

New member
My Loaded Springfield Long Slide 45ACP that I've been wanting for some time. Lying there all alone. In need of a family. In need of handling. In need of shooting. The gun dealer in need of my money.

Tonight I cleaned it.

Tomorrow I shoot it.

If all goes well, tomorrow night, maybe I'll post a

Very nice. While the expenditure is somewhat painful, it's a matter of utility. I'm sure you'll get more than you payed for in sheer satisfaction of ownership. I'm waiting anxiously for the pics, I bet she's a beaut.

As to the topic... there's good and bad gun shows. Granted, I've only been to two, but I've found them to both have goods deals and shoddy deals. It's a mixed bag, But I think any chance to congregate with alot of other gun owners is worth the cover charge, even if you don't end up buying a firearm.