Love/Hate.........gun shows


New member
I hate 'em...........I love 'em.

Went to one today mostly to kill some time, handle a few guns, and who knows, maybe I would find a jewel. Bought some reloading supplies, 5,000 large pistol primers, 1,000 shotgun primers, 8 pounds of several different powders, concealed holster,..............and then I saw it.....

My Loaded Springfield Long Slide 45ACP that I've been wanting for some time. Lying there all alone. In need of a family. In need of handling. In need of shooting. The gun dealer in need of my money.:rolleyes:

Tonight I cleaned it.:)

Tomorrow I shoot it.:D

If all goes well, tomorrow night, maybe I'll post a


New member
The gun shows here have gone to $10-15 to get in the door. For a guy like me that typically will go only when there's something specific I want, it's not even worth it. That $10-15 spent on getting in could be spent elsewhere. The deals at the show aren't good enough to even warrant that expense. I might as well go buy at a local shop. :rolleyes:

tony pasley

New member
Gun shows are a dieing creature and because of liberal laws being passed, libility insurance, lack of profit by dealers, and people who expect to find a mint condition Colt SAA for $100.00 everytime. Enjoy them while they are still alive.


New member
Nothing good ever comes around at the local gunshow any more...heck the real good ones only happen out of state.


New member
I really like gun shows, I'll go to 6-8 a year whether I am out to buy a gun or not. I dunno if there are always good deals at gunshows but I sure do enjoy going to them. Maybe its cause the local shops dont have the selection that a gunshow does. I have found that there are more good deals to be had on the peripherals of guns there. You know, slings, holsters, ammo, Magazines, books, scopes, etc.... It gives you something to do for the day too. I know I don't go to each and every one that comes to town. Plus, it gives me and my dad something to do without the women around. Most of the ones around here are $5-7 to get in.

CLAYKING- Good find... I'd like to find one of those myself, I'm looking forward to seeing your pics!



New member
I just started going to them a few months ago, and haven't missed one since. They're usually $5 admission here, and I bought a new gun for a pretty good price last week. Good selection and no shipping! I hope they don't go the way of the dinosaur...


New member
I like 'em.

still $6 here... and if you don't mind walking you can get by the $5 parking fee. Only problem is then having to carry the 1000 rounds of ammo you bought back to the car/truck.

It's worth the $6 just to look... very seldom is there a deal... but if you are looking for something specific, it's the place to go.

As of late, I've been buying my ammo there... Georgia Arms always has a big table and since I've got into doing a pretty good bit of shooting, I can buy an ammo box with 500 rounds at a pretty good price.


New member
There is one here in Nashville too. I don't remember the price of admission, but parking is free. I am going today, so I'll know the admission price later. It isn't great, but it sure is fun. Lots of guns, and gear.


New member
I try to go to every gunshow they have at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA. It's 9 bucks to get in (with a $1 off coupon...10 bucks without it) and it has the biggest selection of guns I've ever seen. I've been to a few smaller shows elsewhere in the state, but nothing compares to this one :)
It's where I've bought all my guns (except one, which was before I knew about gunshows...I was young and stupid back then :D)
I don't even worry about the admissions fee, I see it as entertainment seeing a movie for example.
There's one coming up next week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 27-29!
I'll be there :)


New member
There's 2 that I go to here. One in Melbourne that's close to home but not worth it if you're coming from outside of Brevard County. Probly not worth it even if you live on the same street but oh well. That one is $5 to get in.
I went to it yesterday only because it was raining. Bought a few little odds and ends and I almost walked out of there with a used H&K P7!
A much better one is in Orlando. It's a bigger show with more dealers that are willing to actually sell guns. It's $7 to get in there. Neither Melbourne or Orlando charge for parking.
What irks me about gun shows is 2 things;
1) Some of the dealers that think their guns are made of gold or something. Ive seen the exact same used guns at some tables for **years**. Just plain run of the mill guns. Nothing speciall but they want substantially more for them than another dealer only a few tables away is selling the same thing for exept they are actually NEW ones. Guess who's table is making money?
2) Selling tables full of non gun related junk. Jewerly, tools other than gunsmith tools, whips and handcuffs, dolls, and junk like that. Gives the whole gun culture a cheap, trashy image :barf:.

There are other things but these 2 kill me.

I think we're getting ripped off when we pay to go to shows that are contaminated with the above 2 problems. We (or at least I) go to buy guns and/or gun related stuff. The more area is taken up by those trying to get $595 firm for a used scuffed up Glock 17, a beat up Yugo SKS for $195 :rolleyes:, and tables full of cheap jewelry and whatever the less likey we are to fulfill our purpose of being there.



The overpriced milsurps crack me up. $300 :eek: for a PA-63, apparently hoping for suckers. $225 for CZ-52s. And, of course, the $595 WASR-10's.

About the only thing good I ever find is either ammo, or accessories, especially AK stuff.

And I only buy from friendly dealers. If one is grouchy, I just smirk and walk to the table next to them.

Oh, and gunshowsusa is woefully incomplete, as are any gunshow listings I've seen. It seems to be the promoters' fault, as most have never heard of the web, it would seem, and don't bother to submit the information.


New member
I don't go to 'em anymore...I support my local gun shop...I want it to be there for a long,long time.


New member

I love the gunshows. It's a good way to see what firearms are going for, compared to the gun shops or discount stores. Some vendors are way high but if your not in a big hurry, you can find some good deals. Just my .02


New member
I love gun shows. People who go there to find awesome deals don't really know what the purpose of a gun show is. It isn't just to buy gun related items, it's to have a good time with friends and make new ones. It's about talking to different people and sharing stories, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, information, etc. If you're looking just to buy a gun, just go to a gun shop.

Black Adder LXX

New member
I like being able to hold the different guns I'm looking into. Where I live is kinda busy and some of the local shops act as though you're bothering them if you're not ready to dump a truckload of money on the counter.

Also, I found some nice pistol cases that I haven't been able to find online.

I like 'em. Got to get there early before all the hommie-g-dawgs show up and start covering me with the muzzle of the foh-tay they're checking out...

Mike PT1911

New member
I love gun shows. People who go there to find awesome deals don't really know what the purpose of a gun show is. It isn't just to buy gun related items, it's to have a good time with friends and make new ones. It's about talking to different people and sharing stories, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, information, etc. If you're looking just to buy a gun, just go to a gun shop.

I totally agree. I've only been doing the gun show thing for just over a year and really enjoy the experience. I've even brought the wife and kids a few times. At first I will admit that I was looking for a good deal, but after looking around I found that most gun resellers usually are within a $10-$50 price range from each other.

Lately I've been going to the shows looking for accessories i.e. holsters, ammo, mags, grips. I've actually found things I didn't even know that I was looking for, like the Ruger P89 15 round mags (blued and SS).

I know that online is the happening place to be, but I'm old fashioned when it come to shopping. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a gun belt (finally). Being able to look, feel and try on gave me a much better confidence in my purchase than if I had ordered it online. I feel the same about buying holsters and mags. Plus as stated above, you learn a lot from the people you meet. Who for the most part, are friendly, informative and helpful. I will stress though, I could do without some of the "yard sale" tables I come across.

As for the guns themselves, I do like seeing (and looking for) weapons of interest under one big roof. My favorite spot so far has to be the big Ruger revolver section I was treated to over in Harrisburg, PA. I felt like a kid again with my little toy six-shooter and cowboy hat, yee-haa!

Long live the gun show!!!


New member
Love 'em

I go every time there's one within a 50 mile radius of me.

Yeah, parking is a pain, and cost too much. Admission is getting higher....BUT....if you're a reloader, factor in the HAZMAT shipping fee for one can of powder bought out of a catalog or website, and you've paied your way into 3 gun shows where you can purchase the items and walk out the door.