Lost a small part ?

Brian Gibbons

New member
Combatting the forces of "Gone" ...

I have battled the forces of "Gone" and won. The contest involved reclaiming a lost trigger spring, (twice), from the tenacious grasp of a deep pile shag carpet. The trick is to overpower your adversary with a really powerful flashlight. (A two million candle power "Night Blaster" hand held marine lamp does the trick).
Worked for me ...

Chuck Dye

New member
I have long known of the gremlin I share my life with. Said gremlin delights in taking things and hiding them for a time. Some days or weeks later, when I have given up searching, the gremlin returns the item, placing it somewhere so obvious that I could not possibly have missed it in the initial search. Are gremlins native to Gone?


New member
You people bring bitter tears to my eyes. (Plus a sharp burning sensation to my posterior)

I'm a retired watchmaker. Your springs and pins are like the Queen Mary compared to a MoPed. You want SMALL, try finding a
calendar advance spring on a floor the jeweler just scattered red rouge all over.

I still have dirty knuckles from praying to the Spring Genie, who is supposed to find this stuff for you.

As a result of all those years looking for parts 50% smaller than a gnat's wallet, I have NEVER lost a gun part. (I did misplace a safety detent plate from a CZ-75 for a week, but I NEVER lost a part).

You haven't lived until you spend an hour looking for an irreplacable antique watch part, only to find it stuck on the BACK SIDE of you're own necktie. (The counter girls learned some new words that day).


New member
When I was a wee lad and something disappeared...
My mother would say "The little old man with the grey beard hid it."

Now, after having observed some eight decades....
I AM the little old man with the grey beard.

And can't find anything.

She lied to me.



New member
At least sometimes you could use a magnet. As a jlr I always wished for a diamond magnet. Guy put in black floor for the shop--you'd think diamonds would readily show up--wrong! That floor gets scuffed--forget it. Turn out the lights, use a flashlight and pray, if that won't work- break out the broom.

Funny though I'd find the watchmakers parts and he'd find mine--sometimes, GONE was definitly a force to reckon with.

Sam thanks for the explanation, still contend my dryer is a "portal" to GONE.

I work in an OR now---lets don't go there.


New member
Ok, lets try this weird one:

Ever lay a screwdriver or other tool on a bench, and can't see it?
It's right there in front of you, but your eye just doesn't see it.

Jim V

New member
A friend of mine was doing some gun stuff in his living room where he had shag carpet. He set down the magazine for his S&W M-39 and it dissapeared. Gone, never to be seen again. Well, for 3 years it was gone until the carpet spit it back out again.

Joe Portale

New member
A friend of mine was doing some gun stuff in his living room where he had a shag carpet. Het set down the magazine for his S&W M-39 and it dissapeared. Gone, never to be seen again. Well, for three years it was gone until the carpet spit it back out again

Inquiring minds have to ask....

How often did you buddy vacuum his house? :eek:


New member
How often did you buddy vacuum his house?
Handloaders should not use uprights. Orecks in particular. The little high speed fans and live primers dont get along. The fan often goes out of ballance and the whole thing becomes a mini earthquake.

Tanks and others that suck through the bag work just fine.

None of my ex wives have seen the humor in a self destructing upright.



New member
Dfariswheel : screwdriver IS a whole lot bigger than a detent screw--you were focused for small -not big. ( yep done that, my excuse anyway).
I did lose a 2 ct I was setting while the customer waited. Took the stone out of the diamond paper, put it right in front of me, got up to get the mtg out of the cleaner--GONE--searched for 10 min. , of course couple asked how I was doing (panic)-rascal had "snuck" under that little pile of solder--you know "that pile".


New member
Really nasty magnet helps on carpet.

Drug a speaker magnet around a while back and got bout all but a frame short of bein able to build a spare gun.



New member
"Gone" takes away, but sometimes, (rarely), "Gone" gives back. Case in point.

I was detail stripping my Star Firestar Plus. The safety detent and detent spring, both less than a millimeter or so in diameter and 1-2mm long, flew across the room and landed in the carpet when I rotated the safety. I ACTUALLY FOUND THE SPRING, but the detent was gone. Star is out of business, sooo...no replacement part for me. I now had a paperweight, (the detent looks like a teeny, tiny toy top. You know, the type that spin. A thoroughly unreplaceable part).

Fast forward 3 months or so. I'm looking for the remote control to the VCR, (another thing that goes to "gone"). I look down, and there, 10 feet or so from where I found the spring, I FIND THE DETENT!!! I screamed out so loud, my boys came running out to see if everything is OK.

My Firestar is whole again, (contented sigh). Life is good.


New member
You know those Canjar set triggers for Savages? To take the action out of the stock, you've gotta take the trigger shoe off.

There's a little spring under there.

It takes a 15 minute job and turns it in to four-plus hours.

And I've done that TWICE so far. Now, when I take that sucker apart, I do it on a bed with a white sheet spread on it.
Sam, my mother lied to me to. This explains why the "sock monster" went on to take watches, wallets, keys, t-shirts and other items in an untimely manner.

I suggest we declare war on Gone and reclaim our lost property. By the way, is Atlantis there?

Jim V

New member
I figure that the FOG (Forces of Gone) are jokers too. What other reason could there be for things disappearing and reappearing where you set them. Case in point, I set my keys on top of the stereo system, and did some work around the house, came back later and the keys were no where to be found. I took everything off the stereo and could not find the keys. I got my second set of keys and left to do some errands, when I came home I found the original keys on the stereo. I had thought I was haunted or the house was infested by gremlins but it appears FOG is at work.

Hmmmm, could that be the reason people were said to be lost in a fog?


New member
Saw on tv today. Looking for small part on floor. Take floor appliance off vacuum tube. cover tube with nylon. nylon holds part from goin down tube.