Lost a small part ?


New member
No longer shall you be mystified.

There is a 10th planet in our solar system. It is of a size and mass similar to Earth, orbits on the same path as Earth but is 180° out of phase. Therefore always on the other side of the sun frim us. Tho it has a similar water and atmosphere set up, it is uninhabitable as it is totally covered with stuff n things that have been misplaced, lost, strayed etc from Earth. Since the beginning.

It has a rather unique corriotropic gravitational field which gathers debris from it's own orbit.

The name of this planet is Gone.

Therefore when one askes where the return spring is. A very proper and accurate answer is "Gone".

Applicable to everything from Alley Oop's other axe to the can of chain lube, buggy whip, car keys etc.

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New member
Wow, Sam...long post (for you)

I ALWAYS wondered where all that stuff went...I always had more trouble when working on cars though....Drop nut,bolt or tool..If it didn't end up in EXACT geometric center of the vehicle (hence barely reachable, if at all)...It went to never-never land..It was GONE!


New member
Yes. My recoil spring retainers often do reach escape velocity.

People call them "shooting stars", but some of us know better.


New member
Conversely, would that mean all the mysterious detrious that piles up on tables, counters, bookshelves, garages, etc is coming over here FROM Gone? The Universe hates a vacuum, you know.



New member
Sam, you didn't tell them about the secret of Gone, which is how to get things back from there.

It's only necessary to go the area where the missing thing was transported to Gone from and firmly and distinctly say "I'm glad I don't need [whatever it is] anymore, and I'm glad it's gone."

That forces Kaylee's Corollary to be invoked, which causes it to appear on a table, counter, etc., where all the other useless junk from Gone regularly appears.

Then you just snatch it up, and you're all set.

The converse to the secret is true too. You can get rid of anything by sending it to Gone merely by saying "I really need [whatever it is], and I sure hope I don't lose it."

Joe Portale

New member
C.R. Sam et al,

What isn't really known is that there is a trans-dimensional portal that goes straight to the planet Gone. These portals are random and always open when you drop a small part. The exact name of these portals is the Trans-dimensional gateway to the Nexus of lost parts.

Be careful, the portal may be getting bigger........has anyone seen my dog?/? :eek:

Jim V

New member
Hmmmmmm, Gone might explain why you can never hear the part hit the floor. Just before impact, the portal opens up and, whooosh, the part is gone to Gone.

The problem with Blackhawk's plan is that once the part/item re-appears amid the clutter and you reach for it, the Forces of Gone will realize that you do, in fact, want the item and, whooosh, it will disappear before your very eyes and fingers. You could sit there and play with the FOG by continuing to say you no longer need the part after it disappeared and the reaching for it when it reappeard. Of course they may become a little put out by that sort of thing and the part will remain and where you were will now be a vacant space.


New member
Not really, Jim.

There seems to be some natural law we don't understand that parts, socks, and other material things can't go to Gone if you're consciously focused on them with your eyes.

I'm sure everybody has had something in their hand, like a scrap of paper with important information on it, and put it down to pick up something else only to find the scrap has, within seconds, gone to Gone! You can search everywhere and not find it, but as soon as you determine "Well, I don't need it anyway," there it is, in a logical place and right where you searched a dozen times minutes before!

The phenomenon is closely related to the "disappearing thing right out of your hand" phenomenon, and the solution is the same....

The Eyes have it, they really do, and it is the Power Over Gone...! :D

Futo Inu

New member
Hey, maybe THAT's where the liberals like Baldwin and Streisand could move - then would wouldn't have to hear them, or see them, not even through the telescope. Though I wouldn't wish that fate on my poor missing (and widowed) socks.


New member
I have found the more you swear at the lost item the speed of the item headed for Gone increases proportionatly. Also when I buy a new item to replace the Goned item, the original returns from Gone and appears in plain sight.


New member
When I was younger and working at a gas station (full service, oil changes & flat tires!) I learned a couple of things:

The little C shaped clips that hold things together are called "Jesus clips". You take it off, it flies across the room and you exclaim "Jesus, where did it go!?".

The best way to avoid loosing small parts: Fill a bucket with used motor oil, bilge slime, dog urine and any other nasty substance you can find. Place this container anywhere within three feet of your workbench. Any part dropped will be sure to fall into the bucket. Hey, at least you know where it is.