Looking for a Semi auto as reliable as revolvers


New member
My Ruger P95 went 4000 rounds with U.S. spec. ammo with only one malf, a failure to fire I attribute to the ammo. Just don't use Sellier & Bellot.

I also recommend Glock 9mm. I now use a Glock 19 for home, and had a Glock 26 that I trusted implicitly. My HK USP compact was flawless after the first 200 rounds, it seemed to have a tight chamber to begin with.

Both my XD9s showed signs of extractor-weakening after just 300 rounds or so. I would vote for Glock 17 or 19 over XD.


New member
I bought a 500-round brick of S&B to use for a training class, and the P95 had all sorts of problems with it, with numerous failures to fire, failures to feed, and stovepipe failures to eject. I recall nearly 50 malfs overall, from those 500 rounds.

I figure there was just some huge compatibility problem between the Ruger and that brand. I know the Ruger manual says it has been tested with SAAMI (U.S. spec.) ammo, but it doesn't mention the European (CIN?) spec ammo, so I am guessing that's the problem, though I don't know what the reason is. I am also guessing that European guns would work with S&B, as they have likely tested with it. Lots of speculation, I know, but the P95 was PERFECT through thousands of rounds with U.S. ammo, so I DON'T blame the Ruger.


New member
Interesting! The reason I ask is because I just picked up a 50-round box of S&B 9mm dirt, dirt cheap. I've had fine success with their shotshells, but may pass this box on...


New member
If you want to hold down cost, look at any of the 3rd generation used Smith & Wessons. I have a 6906 model and it has been totally 100% reliable. Holds 12 rounds of 9mm.
Checkout CDNN, they have used guns and a lot of people seem very happy with them and their prices.

Good Luck!
