Looking for a new rifle.. Recommendations sought..


New member
Tirod you are correct and I could live with those limitations. But currently there are two challenges to the approach you mention:
An AR is explicitly banned regardless of the configuration (it's banned by name not feature)
Secondly no one (I'm aware of) makes an ar like that so I cannot but it from a dealer.

Lastly the law is very vague in certain sections. The link to the law Tahauna placed is not the most recent legislation or something. There is a discrepancy there that I have not been able to find. The law states it cannot have a detachable magazine and and single one of the items on that list, not two.
Because the law is so vague, the dealers I have spoken too error on the side of caution.


New member
Sound like a job for the Mini! Had one when I was a boy. Cheap ammo, robust action & okay accuracy. I've heard the new ones are more accurate & looking at one recently, the sights look much nicer.


New member
sorry, I tried to find you something but now I'm starting to sway with the other guys... move out of CT and into USA. we'll take you up here in Idaho:D


New member
Got friends in Pocatello, Idaho looks great. Hoping to get out there soon. Probably going to pick up a mini tomorrow. Will let you guys know. Appreciate the responses.


New member
Rem makes some SA that holds 3 and 4 rounds that are very good. I had one in 243 that was a good hog gun and deer.


New member
Got a good deal on a mini today. $499.00 used, made in 2014 if I read rugers site correctly. 582-7 serial #. Doesn't look to have many rounds through it. Hoping to get out tomorrow and see what I'm in for. I'm prepared to rebarrel it if it doesn't perform. I just need to keep the iron sights. Not looking for sub moa, I'll be satisfied w 1.5-2 moa.