Looking for a Compact Carry .357 Magnum


Nice retro fit to make it look "old school"

I put those woody's on my new 638 Body guard but it just don't fit without those aluminum thingy's.

Look's cool, and I'm sure nobody else has done that!:D


New member
i like the 60-15 for a carry gun. you just can't go wrong with a S&W. when it comes to shooting 357's out of a j frame. the right grips make a world of difference.


New member
For concealed carry in .357, I like the model 60 jframe. The larger frame
Smiths are not easy to conceal down here in the hot Florida weather attire.

Even though the recoil from the .357 125gr. hollowpoint is manageable, I like to load mine with .38 +p 135 gr gold dots. Better for quick follow up shots.
To get the best of both worlds, load the first 3 rounds with the .38 gold dots and the last 2 with the .357.