Looking for a Compact Carry .357 Magnum

David the Gnome

New member
With winter right around the corner and heavy coats and hoodies coming along with it, I am looking for a new stainless .357 Magnum I can carry concealed OWB. I have narrowed it down to the following models:

S&W Model 60 3":


Pros: Compact frame and grip make it much more concealable and has great potential to be carried in summer as well.

Cons: Small grip and small frame generally equals uncomfortable shooting at the range (especially with .357 Magnums), also has low 5-round capacity, aftermarket grip options are much more limited with the j-frame.

S&W 686 2.5":


Pros: 6 or 7 round capacity, larger frame, more grip options (boot and combat)

Cons: Much bulkier than the j-frame and considerably heavier, the 7 round cylinder is also much wider than the j-frame's 5 round cylinder.

S&W 686 3":


Pros: Same as the 2.5" model but the 3" barrel looks a little bit better and is a little bit more balance.

Cons: Same as 2.5" but now with an extra .5" of barrel to conceal. Holster selection may also be limited with a 3" L-frame.

What are your thoughts on these three guns? If you think I should go with either of the 686's, should I go with a 6 or 7-round cylinder?
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New member
Between the two 686s, I would go for the 3". That extra .5" isn't going to cause any problems. I see no reason to get the 6-shot over 7-shot. They are the same size.

As for choosing between that and the j-frame, I personally would get the j-frame as I prefer the lighter weight and easier concealment.

Have you considered a k-frame 357 such as a 19 or 13? They'll be a bit smaller than the 686, but only give up one round. The grip is the same, so you don't lose anything there.


David the Gnome

New member
I had a 19 snubby that I sold. If I can find a snubby Model 66 I will buy it, but I just can't bring myself to carry a blued gun in a leather holster that will eat the finish away.

Mark Milton

If you want a good self defense gun, let me recommend getting one with a spurless hammer.
I had a Chief model 60 and it was a good gun, but the hammer caught on everything like a dadblamed fishhook.

Later, I replaced it with a Taurus CIA that was hammerless and I like it even better.

I also have a three inch model 65 and it's a pretty good all around gun.
I would take a K frame three inch or snubby over an L frame as the Ls are heavy as bricks.


New member
Any of those would work like a champ. Big difference in size though between an L frame and a J frame though. (you mention K frame, but, both of those are L's)

Split the difference and find yourself a nice clean 3" Model 65?

For a light carry gun, perhaps the Ruger SP-101?

It doesn't really matter to me, I love the .357 Magnum...no matter how its packaged...You have an awful lot of great choices available. I can tell you that carrying an L frame concealed is a bit of a pain, they are pretty bulky, easily doable with a good belt and holster though...Go with the 7 shot if you go with an L frame. Why not? Same size and weight, one extra round.

Dave Chuppa

New member
I can only share my experience. I have rotated my 357 carry guns and my 38 Spl. carry guns. 357s are Taurus 650, 617, 605, and Ruger SP101. 38+P are 642, 442, and Bobbed 37. I like the 617 but, being a 7 shot it becomes to large at times. Most often carried is one of the 5 shot 38+Ps in the pocket and one of the 5 shot 357s IWB. This way I have 5 shots of 357. If I need more I have the New York Reload in my pocket with 5 38spl. +P. I also carry 2 HKS Speed Loaders #36 with 38spl. +P. They will reload the 5 shot Revolvers.


New member
I'm going to have to plug the SP101 here. I'm buying one tomorrow. I see it as a perfect little carry gun.

....But out of the listed choices, I'd go with the 686 3".


New member
David, you missed the in-between model. The 66 is a 6 shot and is 10oz heavier than the 60 but it is 10 oz lighter than the 686. It is common in the 2 1/2" and is available in a 3" (but you have to look hard and cough up more cash for a 3").

David the Gnome

New member
If I can find a Model 66 2.5" in good condition I would buy it above all the others, but they are seeming rather rare as of late and commanding a premium. For less money I can get the 686 new with a factory warranty.


New member
When faced with much the same problem several years ago I opted for the 2.5" 686+ (see the pic)


My reasoning was that if concealment was the main goal (and for me it was) then the shorter barrel ought to be the goal. Further, seeing no substantive difference between a 6-shot and a 7-shot then the extra round made more sense from that vantage point.

Over the years I have come to find my reasoning then to have been sound and I have never regretted the choice.

But the idea of the 3" Model 60 would simply not go away and I could not let well enough alone so I bought one. It is, of course, pretty much identical to the one the OP has in his poste. When I carry it concealed I do so in a Silver Dollar IWB by Simply Rugged which is a marvelous holster. (see pic)

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New member
I carry a 4" S&W 65 when clothing permits. A 3" round butt 65 will be my main carry revolver when I find one that I can afford.


New member
Personally I'd opt for a pre-lock S&W 640-1. If I didn't want to wait or pay the price, then I'd go with a 2" SP101 w/factory bobbed hammer and I'd replace the main spring with a wolf spring kit and call life good.
God Bless


New member
Ever consider the Ruger SP101 in a 3" barrel? Its pretty tiny and I fit it in my jeans pockets and had my girlfriend stare at me and tell me if she notices a bulge there. As usual she said no :D

I hear they're good and last forever. Recoil is wrist snapping but hey, but thats to be expected if your shooting .357 out of a snubbie I'd imagine.

David the Gnome

New member

I had a SP101 but ended up trading it in on a S&W Model 66. I don't regret the decision as I never carried/shot the Ruger and my girlfriend, who I bought the gun for originally, couldn't pull the trigger. This one will be for me and I think I'm leaning towards the 3" 686 with the 7-round cylinder.


New member
I have a SW Model 60 with a 2inch barrel. I switch off between carrying that and the Sig 239 40SW durring the winter months.


New member
I just got outbid on a Gunbroker auction last night for a stainless Ruger Security Six snubnose. That is the same physical size and weight as a S&W 66 but it sells for about $50 less.


New member
I have a Model 60-Pro (3") and it is a fine weapon.

I also have a Ruger SP101 and, since I've acquired it, I no longer carry the 60-Pro.

To be fair, the SP101 has obviously had trigger-work done; it's one of the smoothest I've owned.

Personal preference only.

But, if I were you, I'd try the Rugers before deciding.

Of the three you've posted pictures of, my own personal preference would be the 60.

