Looking for a .380


New member
Like it says, I'm looking for a .380. Used most likely. Nothing plastic and I don't really want a pocket pistol like the P3-AT or anything like that. Right now I'm looking at the Beretta 85 and the Browning BDA. Any input on those? It would be a regular carry gun and something my wife could shoot at the range. Anything I missed along the lines of the 2 I mentioned?
bersa 380 is a good one for conceal that is still fun at the range. the cz 83 is great at the range. a little heavy for my tastes to conceal, but if it's going to be a purse gun that would be my choice. nice big capacity and very accurate.


New member
^^^ The CZ 83 is almost directly comparable to the Beretta 84, which is the double-stack version of the 85 and the gun the BDA .380 is based on.

FWIW if you're comparing new-production guns, the safety on the CZ is just that; it locks the hammer but does not decock it. The current-production FS and previous F model Berettas have a decocker/safety that drops the hammer and disconnects the trigger. (The F decocker/safety will "hang" in the middle of its travel before decocking the pistol, but the pistol is not truly on-safe in this position; Beretta fixed this on the FS.) The earlier Beretta BB, B, and no-suffix models have a safety but no decocker, just like the CZ.

FWIW there are two Brownings referred to as the "BDA":
  • The BDA 9, a double-action 9x19mm Hi-Power variant
  • The BDA .380, basically a Beretta 84F/FS with a slide-mounted decocker/safety, a different hammer spur, and a closed-top slide with a conventional ejection port
Some newer Browning sales literature drops the ".380" suffix when describing the latter pistol, but I prefer to keep using it to distinguish it from the 9.


New member
The Beretta 85 and 84(double stack version) are IMO the sexiest, well made .380's on the market. No one wants to carry them because of all the plastic pocket wonders and they are pricey. But if you want a well built, reliable, and elegant .380, you can not go wrong with the Beretta.

PS...Get a nickel 85 with wood grips, post pics, and make me drool. :D


New member
Wow, great info guys. I had thought about the Bersa but I just don't care for them enough to buy one. I know they're fine pistols, just not my cup of tea. And the only CZs I ever find are the 9Mak models. I know where there's a nice 85 but I really want to handle the Browning before I make my mind up. I'm going to hit a couple shops on my way home and see what turns up.


New member
Weight is one of your most important considerations. I have carried a Colt Mustang (steel frame) for years and would replace it with an aluminum frame lower now that they are available. Either a Sig 238 or Colt pocketlight.

You can go lower with a polymer frame but accuracy suffers.

The Sig and Colt feel like "real" pisatls, and the SIG has excellent factory sights.


New member
Oh man, any of you guys ever go to the gun store looking for one thing and come home with something that's about as far away from your original idea as you can get? Well that's what happened to me. Saw a couple Berettas but no Browning. The only Beretta in my price range had awful Pachmayr grips on it. Then I walked past another case. Enter the S&W Model 36.


Yup, I bought it. It's in very lightly used shape, the line on the cylinder is very faint and there's no bluing wear, not even any holster wear on the muzzle or barrel. And I got it for under $300. Not bad I think. Oh well, I'm still looking for a .380 but it's going to have to wait a couple weeks.


New member
The Beretta 84(double stack version). Heavy 380 and the smallest carry gun I own, and my favorite pistol. I recommend it highly.


New member
I had a BDA .380 for a while. Two problems with it:

1. The safety was very sticky. Sometimes it took a ton of force to disengage. For carry, not recommended. I've asked other owners if they've had the same issue, and almost all of them said YES.

2. After a couple of trips the firing pin got stuck and wouldn't strike the primer of a cartridge anymore. I had been cleaning it properly and no solvent or oil got anywhere near to firing pin housing. I sent it to Browning for warranty work and they got it straightened out no problem, but it's still an issue I've never seen before and kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

Long story short, I got rid of it. I've held Beretta 84 and 85 pistols and I have to say I like them a LOT more. They're essentially the same pistol, too. Beretta actually makes the BDA for Browning, but it's not as well built as the 84 and 85.

Also consider a Walther PPK. S&W has gotten the issues worked out since the recall a few years ago and they handle superbly in my experience. If it's too small, then the 84 or 85 would be your best bet.


New member
Hm, that's a little disappointing about the Browning, I like the looks of it over the Beretta. I really don't like the PPK. The looks or the feel. I guess I'll be looking for a Beretta unless a good deal on a P238 comes up.


New member
I liked the looks of the closed slide and classic looking finish the BDA had as well. I forgot to mention, but it did hammer bite me a little bit as well. I wasn't bothered by it, though.


New member

Bigfatts said:
Eh, I don't care for the Walthers either. Just don't like the way they look.

Walther PK380 is a very nice single stack shooter, very accurate.
Ambidextrous safety and mag release.
And a nice looking firearm IMHO.



Iron Man

New member
Bigfats, once you have shot a PPK or a PPK/S you will dream about what a great pistol it is. I have never had a FTE or FTF in any of my German or Interarms pistols (I own six or seven, not counting my twenty other Walthers). They are easy to carry, easy to maintain, and work like a tank.

Sure, you don't like the looks, but when it comes time to need it looks are the last thing you will think about.


New member
+ 1 to the Bersas - at least check them out. I owned a 380 Thunder CC - well made, reliable and reasonable price wise. They have a number of 380 models available.

If you're not worried about a "pocket" - I'd recommend you look at 9mm as well. You must have reasons for the 380 but a 380 is basically a 9mm short. 9mm is much cheaper when it comes to the ammo than the 380.

Good luck in your search! :)


New member
My $.02 on this would be look for something with similar controls to another auto you are familiar with.

I had a Bersa Thunder 380 but never could get used to the safety being in the "wrong" place (slide vs frame) and moving the "wrong" way (up instead of down) as I had several other pistols that all worked the "right" way.

There are used CZ83 starting at under $200 and would be worth looking at. Too bad we can't get an aluminum framed version out of CZ...


New member
I have a SIG P238 which I carry, and a Beretta 85B that I keep cause it's a classicly beautiful pistol. The P238 is the better shooter and is easier to carry although the 85B isn't hard to conceal, the SIG just does it with less effort.

If I were going to carry my 85B, I would buy another 85FS in Nickle for the finish and the decocker.