Look! Look! New Plastic Ammo! A Must See!


New member
Is that SLA?
No. Looks like an ABS plastic rapid prototyping machine. We have one here in the shop. Another machine that some people told me I was crazy to buy and now they have it loaded up with work. :)

We also have an SLA, but it uses a resin that's cured with a laser, rather than depositing layers of molten plastic and support material as required from cartridges, like the ABS machine does.


New member
Hmm, are they really proportioned right for 45 ACP?

I asked my son that myself, hoping he didn't take a cartridge from home to school for use in measuring! Thankfully he siad the Teacher and him got the specs off of the internet so I'm assuming they are close. The top does twist off so one can add salt or pepper so the "bullet" may be a little high in the "case".

My son also said that the original prototype cartridge started out as almost 6 inches in diameter so they had to shut off the plastic layering machine and recalibrate. :)

I'll get my son on here this evening and have him answer some of your other questions.

And thanks so much for the kind words!


New member
Crosshair,if you look a little closer they are 45 and not 9mm...:rolleyes:

And,i would like to say great job.For the poster in florida,if those were made here in Cali.there would defiantly be some kind if suspension.LOL


New member
Thankfully he siad the Teacher and him got the specs off of the internet so I'm assuming they are close.
OK, they just look proportioned closer to 9mm in the photos. I guess that might be because there is nothing for size reference in the photo and my eyes are playing tricks on me.