Long-winded posts

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if they don't split it up into paragraphs then I don't bother, its not worth th effort.

The ones than annoy me are the ones that people obviously don't do any research into and ask questions that are always asked or ones that 5mins on google would answer.


New member
Depends on the subject. If you can give a short and sweet answer, that is the best way to go.

Sometimes. . .you need to go into detail and that takes time.


44 AMP

Does anyone else here tend to ignore the long drawn-out posts on the forums?

no, in fact, I have a bad habit of writing them....

But you don't have to read them, if you choose to remain ignorant (of my opinion:D)

Sometimes, they even contain facts....

AND, yes, I am guilty of some run on long sentences, and since my latest upgrade, I can't find the freakin spellcheck, so occassional bloopers get through, but over all, I try to use prper spllngk and garmmer.....

and this is gun related how?......


New member
no, in fact, I have a bad habit of writing them....

But you don't have to read them, if you choose to remain ignorant (of my opinion:D)

Sometimes, they even contain facts....

AND, yes, I am guilty of some run on long sentences, and since my latest upgrade, I can't find the freakin spellcheck, so occassional bloopers get through, but over all, I try to use prper spllngk and garmmer.....

and this is gun related how?......

Ignorant? It was simply a question to the masses. Also, it was gun related because it was posted in a gun forum where gun related topics are discussed, albeit was in the "general discussion" section.

I find it interesting that you chose to respond in such a way. I suppose the topic will likely be closed now. I guess I'll move along now.


New member
It's not closed

I think the ones that irk me the most are when they are typed out using some kind of code that I can only assume is used when text messaging. I'm not even 30 yet, but that crap bugs me.

If the subject is something that really interests me I will make it through most of the long posts.

If it is not as interesting to me I won't read the long ones, no matter how correct they are.
twhidd said:
Ignorant? It was simply a question to the masses. Also, it was gun related because it was posted in a gun forum where gun related topics are discussed, albeit was in the "general discussion" section.

I find it interesting that you chose to respond in such a way. I suppose the topic will likely be closed now. I guess I'll move along now.

Yes, ignorant. In other words, uneducated....in his opinion. He's stating the obvious that you can't possibly become educated nor learn anything from a member if you don't first read the post. That's all 44 AMP was saying.

Gun related? Wrongo, fella. Just because you post on a gun board doesn't automatically make it gun related. Your topic of focus was on members' long winded posts here. If anything, you're baiting and/or trolling for the very responses you received here.

And since you're moving along, this one is closed for sure.

P.S. To those of you that has mentioned the concern for sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and the like: My hat's off to you all. Just when I thought I was becoming all alone in the frustration of our education system, I find solace in the fact my beliefs are shared...
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