Long-winded posts

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New member
Depends on the subject and if the person making the post breaks up the posting into reasonable paragraphs. I have to force myself to read long winded posts that contain a lot of poor sentance structure, lack of punctuation, or not breaking the post into multiple paragraphs as defined by "micro topic".


New member
...I have to force myself to read long winded posts that contain a lot of poor sentance structure, lack of punctuation...

I feel no obligation to read such posts. I'll put up with "there their they're" and so forth but not endless run-on sentences with no caps or periods or bizarre punctuation. It's not worth the frustration. I may miss learning something but so be it. I tend not to read anything posted in all caps as well, but that doesn't seem to happen too much around here.

I will allow the misspelling of the word "sentence" to pass without comment - usually. ;)


New member
Heaven forbid we read.... :eek: I prefer all my thoughts are created for me and that I have as little information to digest as possible....
We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


New member
Not wanting to hear the whole story is sadly part of modern American culture. If it is on the news, or anywhere if it can't be said in a 30 second soundbyte, folks with short attention spans tune it out.


New member
The kind I don't usually read

i lik guns 2 mygrandpa used to show meh how to shoot. i remember one time... etc, we've all seen the type.

Then they run on in to a giant paragraph of misspelled words, bad grammar and poor sentence structure.

If someone doesn't have time to at least use the cap key and spell check, then I don't have time to read their post. Chances are the post doesn't contain anything worth reading anyway.


New member
"Does anyone else here tend to ignore the long drawn-out posts on the forums?"

Oh no, I read them and type up even longer elaborate responses and then don't post them. Usually don't post them.

My post count would be doubled if I'd posted all of them.


New member
I ignore those without spaces/paragraphs. Generally, it depends upon the subject, and the type of post. I have to have a particular interest to read one that is very long.


Does anyone else here tend to ignore the long drawn-out posts on the forums?

Just the people with short attention spans, or the ....ummm ..... those who are ..... well, have a hard time reading.....

Bart Noir

New member
Depends on the topic and maybe who's saying it.

Absolutely true.

And several of those whom I will read, have responded above.

But still, there are some long and painful posts just waiting to be ignored. May I never be the writer of one of those!

Bart Noir


New member
@Tom Servo:
That had me laughing for about 20 minutes after I read it. Still wanna hear the rest of it :D.

I read the long ones. I don't really mind the grammatical missteps either. Some guys may not be great at typing, or sentence structure but sure do know a lot about a particular subject. Everything I read teaches me something. Whether it is good info or bad, or it teaches me the guy/gal doesn't know how to structure a sentence, I still learn.
22-rimfire said:
Depends on the subject and if the person making the post breaks up the posting into reasonable paragraphs.
^^^ This -- ESPECIALLY the part about paragraphs -- and a blank line to separate paragraphs. Some topics need a modicum of verbiage to convey the thought, but when all those words are crammed together into an unbroken sea of on-screen type, it's too difficult to read and my brain shuts down.
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