Load Manuals

Strafer Gott

New member
What keeps me hanging on to the old manuals is the old recipes. Just because Speer stopped making the bullet doesn't keep me from loading it. While we are on the subject, what about the warnings about loading new bullets with old data, e.g., "molecular bonded jackets are different and prior data should not be used... . I haven't found data for Deep Curl formerly known as Gold Dots online, and I feel like I'm being teased into buying more manuals.


New member
A man with one watch always knows what time it is; a man with two watches never knows what time it is.

Although I have many manuals that I've picked up over the years I hardly ever use them to select the loads I use. They are only a reference for starting load information if I'm using a new bullet or powder. Otherwise the data I use is what I worked up myself.


New member
Having too many manuals is like saying there are too many books in a library.
They are all just a reference for me not a reloading bible. I prefer keeping my own records of loads worked up for specific guns in my safe. A particular load may not work as well in multiple applications IE handgun to rifle.

Came across this database some years ago and it fits my needs along with the net offerings and paper manuals to provide one place for storing my information.

Thanks go to Wiljen and his supporters.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/reloadersrfrnce/files/Reloaders_ Reference/9.3x74r - Final/