Liberals or Control Freaks?


New member
What is "Evil"?
That's "Doctor Evil". I did not go to Evil Medical school to be called "Mr. Evil.
That aside, I will also back the point that political "Liberals" are not truely liberal. The label just sounded good.
(Some) religious people commit as much evil as secular people. They often do it in the name of their respective gods, and worse, quote from a holy text to justify their actions. At least, it is worse to me because I have to hear/read it. This is not confined to muslims, in fact I believe that the minor religions don't have as high a body count because they don't have enough people.
Religious people can also be queasy at looking evil in the eye, and confronting it when needed. This depends, as always, on the individual. Many are "blissninnies" just like the godless. Worse, they often have a hard time looking at the evils commited in their god's name, or by their religious organization.
Secular people merely do not believe in an afterlife where they will be rewarded/punished for their actions. This does not mean that they do not believe in right and wrong, good and evil. In a way this makes their good actions better - they do it not because they believe that there is an angel keeping score, but because they believe in the simple rightness of their action (no karmic benefits, no hellfire). Let's face it, some religious people want to do some evil, but don't because of the threat of violence. And where is the intelligent judgement in simply accepting what is written by others? (I'm not saying all who follow a religion are like this, but some are).
Wow. Second rant today.