LGS Prices Out of Control?


Local gun shops & retail prices....

I've owned & purchased several firearms since 1993. I can honestly say most local gun shops & FFL holder locations are a rip or they are really rolling over the gun buying public(75-80% or so are not "gun savvy").
The huge push in the mid/late 2000s to buy firearms created a boom to these shops so many have increased prices or sell related items(holsters, gear, rounds) at a higher cost. :(
The staff members & sales clerks may not be well trained either, thinking they can "upsell" a new gun owner with a lot of razzle-dazzle.
I've used online sources for about 90% of my purchases. The sale prices are lower & you don't need to go through a lot of BS.



New member
Its just like that at some shops. They'll either adapt or eventually go out of business. OR they'll stay in business doing other things (the ones that have indoor ranges typically get a lot of business that way).

I will say that a lot of the local stores here have started to get more reasonable lately. They used to be priced insanely high (like higher than MSRP and lots of stuff at TWICE what you'd find it for online), but I think a combination of online competition and the fact that Palmetto State Armory is within a reasonable driving distance has gotten some of them a little more competitive. As long as they're within $50 or so of what I can do online then I'm happy to patronize them. Any more though and it's not worth it.


New member
There are 2 LGSs in my area. One is privately owned and has reasonable prices. On the otherhand, we have a Gander Mountain (GM). If you think LGSs have high prices, check out GM :eek: IE, S&W Sigma at GM for $397.
I stay away from GM as their prices are embarrassing.

One thing to consider is what 44AMP touched up on is business climate. The state I live in has very poor business climate due to high taxes. Sorry if I am off topic.

IMHO, the internet has opened up a new world as far a firearm purchases. The auction sites plus Armslist and Guns America are testimonies. Find a reasonable FFL in your area and have fun.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
It is natural that we would notice our local gun shops' prices increase, and what I'm about to suggest isn't a reason for every instance, but ... they are businesses. Have you heard how costs are on the rise? Have you noticed your cost at the checkout for your personal grocery bill?

I know those are rhetorical questions. We have all noticed the cost of every aspect of living on the rise. Businesses are struggling. Businesses are closing. We know that some gun shops will take advantage of the political season to creep that retail price up while the buying public is in the "stock up" mood, but that's where our freedom to choose comes in.

Out of control? Not even close.


New member
Its just like that at some shops. They'll either adapt or eventually go out of business. OR they'll stay in business doing other things (the ones that have indoor ranges typically get a lot of business that way).

I expect that many gun shops will face an adapt or die situation in the next few decades. I have no sources but feel pretty confident saying that the "gun owner" demographic probably includes a pretty significant number of people who either don't use or don't like to use the internet (older and more rural folks) and literally don't know how much they're being ripped off. That will be changing more and more.


Not comparing to online, but just looking at the price increases in LGS''s.
I seen a RIA tactical for 459.00 at a LGS and when I was in there again about 1 month later it was over 500.00 for the same gun.
Also a Colt match target Hbar used for 999.00 a month later it was 1199.00 same gun.
Brand new in the box Colt Hbar flat top 1149.00 1 month later 1350.00 same gun.
Like someone else said the LGS's seem to be taking advantage of the situation and election year.

You don't know that - maybe his replacement costs have increased from his distributor; maybe the maker is the one raising costs


New member
cash speaks well at LGS, sometimes their prices can be moved a little, also can ask for a little throw in accessory or discount on accessories/ammo or gunsmithing

they save on fees if debit/cash compared to swiping the credit card

dont forget to add in prices for shipping/ffl for your online orders, i personally like to buy in person, and support local shops..... unless its bulk ammo since there are crazy deals online


New member
Bluetrain posted:
However, the title of the thread is "Prices out of control." Do you think prices should be controlled?

Don't be ludicrous and take a comment to the extreme.

I took the OPs comment of prices be "out of control" as we are seeing a "gun bubble".


New member
I understand what you're saying but you never really know if it's a bubble until something pops.

Some gun shops probably won't do transfers from some on-line gun retailers and I don't blame them. The only time I ever did a transfer was when I bought a gun from a retailer on the other side of town, which was in another state.

What is the trend with prices at gun shows?


New member
I am lucky.

There are numerous local gun stores in the several counties around where I live.

That means the prices at one store can easily make me go to another and I do have several that price their guns within fifty dollars of internet prices.

At those prices,I'd rather support the local guy.


New member
What is the trend with prices at gun shows?

The same as it was in the housing market 5-10 years ago.

Plenty of money to buy, plenty of product to purchase and an econimic frenzy fueling the fire.

Just look at the number of dealers jumping on the band wagon. Ever seen so many dealers at gun shows? Ever seen so many gun shows?

Ben Towe

New member
I don't check many prices on the internet, but I will tell you this, both my LGS's are about $100 cheaper on weapons than the nearest Bass Pro and Gander Mountain. Last week I looked at a Trijicon ACOG scope at GM: $1500. The same scope at the gun shop is $1050. That defies belief. Another thing is that you can actually trade with the local shops and receive a reasonable trade in value. Try that with Gander. They'll offer you $150 bucks for a $2000 rifle and act like they're doing you a favor. I honestly don't know how they stay in business. The only thing I buy there is the occasional odd part or accessory that isn't easily obtainable at one of the local shops. Other than that, I just window shop and if I find something I like I get it through my local guys.

Smilin Jack

New member
Well our large LGS in Baton Rouge has higher prices surpassed only by their crappy customer service. They have gotten too big for their britches as my dad used to say. That's OK, I have found that I can find anything I need on the internet much cheaper with less headache. Now THAT'S the free market at work.


New member
" Try that with Gander."

Can't, they just closed and left town. :D

They were squeezed out by Bass Pro and a local store, Green Top Sporting Goods. Green Top is moving into the Gander Mtn building.


New member
You mean the one in Glen Allen, down the street and around the corner? They'll be right on I-95. The old store had charm, of sorts.

Sheriff Gotcha

New member
I got my CZ-85B NIB for $593.00 OTD... good to hear I didn't get jipped as it was my first purchase and they knew I was a first time buyer. MSRP shows it at $582.00 on CZ-usa.com so that's good.

I haven't compared their prices to online just yet as I am not in the market for a new gun, but we do have 3-4 shops within a half hour of me so I hopefully can find a good deal when I go to get a Rem 870 in the future.