Let's talk .380's


New member
I have/had three .380’s.

I bought a brand new AMT Backup II in about 1992. It has always been a very reliable little pistol and works well. I still have it and I still carry it when I need to carry something small.

I have a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard.380 with the laser. I bought it about the time they first came out. My wife shot it once and claimed it for her own.

I had a Taurus PT-738 that worked very well. My oldest daughter always liked to shoot it every time we would go out shooting. When she moved out, I gifted it to her since it was “her” pistol.

I have nothing but good to say about any of the three .380’s that I have owned. I guess when you come right down to it, I only have one .380 since the womenfolk in my family made off with two of the three that I owned.


New member
An older pre-ban PPK or imported PPK/S would be nice. Expensive for a nice one these days but I like how the heavier frame helps handle the recoil impulse and the fixed barrel makes accuracy a little easier. Plus the SA trigger pull is quite nice. Lots of great newer options too but in that size I like the metal and the nicer trigger. It’s not like a gun that small drags the pants down regardless of the frame material.


New member
For a cartridge that engenders so little respect, a .380 thread sure generates a lot of posts. This is post 123. Lol. I love it.


Weren't those Beretta 85s used as police guns?

The .380, like the 9MAK, can be effective even for police and .military work. Same for the .32.


New member
Speaking only for my own Kahr CM 9 I can say the 200 round break in was probably not necessarily. 200 rounds of trouble free shooting. With a variety of ammunition. From first out of the box to now with at least three times, if not more, the 200 rounds, and still never a hiccup.
Thinking the biggest reason some people don't like them is the name doesn't begin wiyh "G" or "S".


New member
I have two Taurus TCP's , great little pistols ..... I carry Underwood 380 XTP Standard pressure...

I didn't choose their +P offering ... As mentioned above ... No such animal


New member
Couple of Picos here.

Bought one for my wife a few years ago after deciding that her Taurus 709slim was not small enough. Too heavy in purse and too big to wear (my wife is petite). The pico is small and light enough to accomplish both goals. At the time the out the door cost was around $325. She really likes it.

Recently I found the laser grip and swapped that out for her (on sale at Beretta for $60).

Then I saw Beretta was offering $50 rebate and that Bud's has the pico for $200 and had to get another. For the occasional that I truly need a pocket pistol they fit the bill. Nice shooting to boot. Good sights. Mag release is different but compatible with pocket carry. I haven't had any feed or cycling issues. The newer model has a lighter recoil spring and lighter trigger pull (trigger is pretty smooth on both the old and new).

David R

New member
I finally picked up a Sig P238 and a used Kimber Micro Carry with laser sights.

2 good guns, some differences.

The kimber shot to point of aim, and fed round nose well. It would not feed winchester flat nose as well. Still only a few rounds through it.

Sig was better at feeding. Also hit point of aim.

Magazines are interchangeable, but barrels and slides are not even close.

No laser option for the Sig, so I bought her the used Kimber. Its what she wanted. Good looking gun with rosewood grips.

Have fired about 100 rounds out of each, just getting going.

I heard a few folks saying its not good to carry it cocked and locked. My response is Glock has no safety.

The sig replaces my Ruger LCP. I did not trade the ruger, but its in the safe for now. Size wise, the Sig still fits in my back pocket in a pocket holster. It does not fit in my ankle holster.

Sig had a 2 magazines and pistol bag free with purchase of a new sig. I have them on order. Magazines are $44.00 each from SIG.

Girlfriend shoots the Kimber quite well. Pulling the slide back is no problem. She can put the safety on and off with her thumb. She is now figuring out how to carry it. So far she uses the holster that came with the sig on her pants or outside of her front pocket and a light jacket or shirt pulled over it. She also tried a few pocket holsters.

Girls pants pockets are small compared to men. Its a problem for her.

I can report back on both in a while after they are broken in.



New member
David R

I'm considering one of these two pistols. They both come in a variety of finishes and options. Its crazy. That Kimber black raptor model is really nice. Not sure if I want to spend that kind of money. Heard good and bad from both models. It does seem that lately the kimbers have improved. I guess I'll see what kind of cash santa brings and go from there but since you have both give us a range report. Enjoy your toys


New member
I have a S&W Bodyguard in .380. Very easy to carry, and although the trigger is not great it's accurate enough to hit a rattlesnake in the head. Never know what kind of Vernon you will run into!