Less than lethal options - the Advanced Taser



As most students or in my case former students of criminal justice will tell you Deterence does not work. When people commit crimes they are not normally thinking on a rational plane. They are high or drunk or just plain stressed out. They do not take the time to think if I do this this will happen to me. That takes a rational mind to think of action consequences. It may work some time but its not the norm. In fact every study done has shown the death penality does not deter crime. I still support the death penality because it removes the problem and it satisifies the demands of justice for the victims families. Now I beileve that the death penality should be administered by the due process of the law if possible not by me and my glock. If it comes to that I will do it. But if we come up with better non lethal technology I am all for it. There is a major advantage to non lethal defenses that you over looked if some one accidently uses a tazer on thier kid or the wife because of a mistake no real harm is done. If that happens with a gun, well you get it. I will continue to carry my guns but I also welcome more non lethal tools. over 99.9 percent of my encounters as a cop do not call for lethal force as a civilian I am sure its about the same.



Deterrence does not work?

Then why did the crime rates skyrocket in Australia after gun control passed?

Why is Britain's crime rate rising at a rate more than twice ours since they virtually eliminated gun ownership?

Why do oppressive regimes go to the effort to remove guns from their citizens?

Why do criminals tell researchers that they are more afraid of encountering an armed citizen than an LEO?

Ok, all that aside, discounting basic common sense and evidence to the contrary; just as an exercise let's take your statement at face value.

Ok, deterrence does not work. So now what?

What's left to prevent criminals from victimizing society?

Deterrence doesn't work--maybe execution is the answer. But wait! Some states don't allow executions, and even those who do, don't normally execute all violent criminals, just the real "cream of the crop". Well, then maybe jail will help? Well, what about when the criminal has done his time? Should we just let them continue to violently victimize innocent citizens until they get caught again?

Sounds like you just made an excellent case for citizens using guns to "execute" (your word, not mine) violent criminals.

One way or another, armed citizenry reduces crime. Either citizens are afraid to victimize citizens for fear of dying, or they do it anyway and are killed in the process--preventing any future crimes.

Before you get all hot and bothered, you'll notice that I'm not advocating "execution" (the word you seem to prefer), just pointing out, that armed citizens do, indeed, deter criminals from committing future crimes--if not through fear, then through death.

Am I against all use of non-lethal weapons--no, not really--my wife carries pepper spray like most women. Do I see potential problems with the proliferation of non-lethal weapons? I think it should be clear by now that I do.


With respect to the Death Penality it was shown that states with the Death Penality have a higher crime rate that those without. As for the gun control argument thats not a deterance issue but rather one of common sence. I have never said I support gun control. But its obvious if you disarm the populace then the criminals will be less carefull in victim choice. So maybe deterence works in this area.


New member
Looks like a great idea for civilians but I can't see spending $600 on a non-lethal weapon.It would be nice if there were holster manufacturers that made IWB holsters for them so civilians could carry them.Since its not a firearm does that mean a civilian could carry it in the belt holster lgally?I'm sure with it looking like a firearm it would cause some hassles.I guess I'll never know since I live in MA and they don't want us to protect ourselves with non-lethal stun guns or Tasers(they're illegal here).


One thing I will say about the new taser that it is better than a gun in one sence. If all goes like it is supposed to and you hit the guy he will go down instantly a handgun or any gun for that matter willl not do this unless the spine or brain is hit.


New member
I don't know how anyone could make a statement that deterrence doesn't work. The only way to know that for sure.....is to talk to people who have NOT commited a crime. Those are the only people who can answer that question. Sure you can look at crime rates, and all the numbers you want.......but who knows....maybe it is working.......and those numbers would be much higher.

On a personal note.........a very good friend of mine and his wife were out shopping the ther day.....and in the parking lot of the mall....they were approached by a man holding a knife who told them to give him everything they had.........when my friend drew his gun.......the BG turned and ran.......and my friend and his wife made it home safely.........so to me........deterrence does work!!!

Take care!
A layer or layers of aluminum foil or other highly conductive material (Aluminized mylar,etc.) somewhere in the clothing will defeat any Taser type weapon by rerouting the current through the foil/conductive layer.
The aluminized mylar has the additional attribute of being highly insulative on the non aluminized side, and can further preventor attenuate invasive voltage influx to the body. The only real necessity is choosing material that can handle the wattage of the current applied.
The Brits, silly about weapons as always, have shat the bed again.

:rolleyes: Ah yes, mylar clothing and tinfoil hats are in such proliferation these days. Just like laser rifles.

Like I said, it's a tool in the arsenal, not a replacement for firearms.

If a tactical team is dealing with, say, an altered individual, and there's no obvious need to shoot them, but there is a need to restrain them, this makes an excellent tool. Likewise, there's a shortage of mylar clothing in prison.

Despite what some people may think, shooting everyone isn't the answer. When properly employed, Less Lethal devices do have their place. The key is properly employed. Just like you wouldn't use a LAW rocket in a hostage situation, you wouldn't use Less Lethal in a situation where it's inappropriate.

Personally, I think it's a great idea, just like the Pepper paintball gun. But, I'm just practical like that, I don't think police induced homicides are something to avoid when it doesn't endanger officer safety.

Use in the civilian world, on the other hand, is another matter - but we don't work in the same situations that law enforcement does, so in some ways our lives are simpler. Many times that we'd find we could use Less Lethal devices like the AirTaser, we'd be well justified using Lethal Force to begin with - or disengaging. But that's another discussion...
