LEO Only Mags


New member

here's a poser for you all.

I live in California, where we are no longer allowed to buy any more pre-ban mags. We had to have owned them before this ban took place in CA on Jan 1, 2000.

If a Californian went to Arizona, purchased some full cap mags and brought them back, he would be breaking Californian law. I have no problem with a Californian doing this, as I believe that the law is unconstitutional.

If you knew of a Californian doing this, would you feel obliged to inform the DOJ or the BATF offices in California?

A letter from a Department is nothing more than a slight delay in a LEO getting his mags. So technically he is not keeping with the letter of the law, a far less "criminal" act than the one I described above.

What if your state passed a law banning your firearms. If a police officer refused to confiscate them, he would not be following the law. In your eyes, would he be a criminal or a hero?

You are right that anti-gunners are using the "divide and conquer" approach; they would appear to have suceeded.

Again, nothing personal. We are all on the same side.

"A letter from a Department is nothing more than a slight delay in a LEO getting his mags. So technically he is not keeping with the letter of the law, a far less "criminal" act than the one I described above."

How is it less criminal? It's breaking the law.

"You are right that anti-gunners are using the "divide and conquer" approach; they would appear to have suceeded."

You are correct. It seems that there is a faction that believes that government rule enforcers should not have to abide by the rules that they enforce nor be punished for breaking those same rules.


New member
It is less criminal in the same way that robbery is less criminal than murder.

A police officer sees a good deal at a gun show. The gun show ends today. He can drive to his Chief, request a letter, and come back and get the mag. Or he can just buy it on the spot, and technically break the law.

For that you want him to go to jail?

If every cop treated every law this seriously, we'd probably get stopped every 100 yards in our cars, for such "crimes" as failing to signal intentions to change lanes for the required 100 feet.

Would you think it right for us to be arrested if we left proof of insurance at home while we were driving?

I can't believe that this is an issue. Other people that don't want full capacity mags in the hands of off duty LEO's include Sarah Brady and Hillary Clinton!! ;-)

But if you feel that people should be jailed for having full cap mags, then go ahead and inform the BATF.

I would still be interested in your views on the questions I asked above.


"But if you feel that people should be jailed for having full cap mags, then go ahead and inform the BATF."

Just cops. You, if you are not a cop, can commit all sorts of felonies that do not harm other people, and I won't give a ****. Cops, who arrest and help prosecute people who commit felonies that do not harm other people, should be caught and punished for committing those same felonies. Cops have their psychophants. I'm not one of them. Sorry.