"Legal" Marijuana and Guns

Rat Robb

New member
Gaerek, those numbers I used were on an episode of Alaskan State Troopers, probably not the best source to site for the numbers. I've also conversed with several Alaskan natives and transplants and they made it seem like a very hungry and happy state. Good articles you posted.

The interesting part of the episode I was referring to was a traffic stop that occurred. The trooper pulled over a car for a bad taillight. Passenger had a small amount of substance on him (within the legal limits of Alaskan law) and a GLOCK 22, loaded under the seat. The trooper wrote him a ticket for the taillight and gave him back his property. After the stop, the trooper was talking to the camera and said the numbers I used, inflated for TV is a possibility. He then added if they locked up people for what he had just seen the jails would be too crowded for real criminals.

I would like to point out that I have, in no way, argued that one wouldn't get in trouble for lying on the form or think they wouldnt for doing so, no matter if you live in one of the 2 states.

The interesting thing I have seen is that the states are finally realizing they do have the power. Everyday I read of legislation being proposed where a state would nullify federal laws, whether they are gun laws or drug laws. Great for the states because they can use their resources for things they see fit. Obviously, the feds fight against this by pulling funding and threaten legal action. I thought the 10th amendment protected that but Im just an electrician, so I could be wrong.

Again, those articles were good reads.


ps how do you quote a post, have no problems on other forums just can't seem to figure it out here, lol


New member
Jeeze -- doesn't anyone bother to read the thread before posting?
I am sorry,but I did not read the whole thing. When I have more time this weekend I will. If that is the answer to my question.


New member
And thus the Oregon Supreme Court specifically acknowledged that while Ms. Willis would not be arrested by Oregon LEOs or prosecuted under Oregon law for carrying a concealed handgun, she could still be arrested by federal LEOs, prosecuted under federal law and sent to federal prison for being a prohibited person in possession of a gun in violation of 18 USC 922(g)(3).

So no one in OR has yet to be arrested for this. Do you see a time when they would? Maybe if the political climate swings to folks that are against it?

How does this new farm bill tie into this? It allows 10 states to legally grow hemp. ISnt that a federal law? just wondering, dont beat me over the head.


New member
Speaking of taxes - I don't know why but Texas has a state marijuana tax stamp. I believe that the tax stamp goes back at least 20-30 years or more.