Learning to reload:7.62x51 casing with a 308 bullet?

Bart B.

New member
All those maximum loads in the above link's manual are below SAAMI's spec of 52,000 cup for the .308 Win. cartridge. One or two are at the MIL SPEC 50,000 cup for the 7.62 NATO round, but the rest are under it.

I doubt Hodgdon used the same system as the arsenals did, so a few thousand units difference between them is normal. Winchester's system was different than Frankfort arsenals which is one reason why SAAMI specs for the .308 are different that that of the military version.


New member
True, no biggie though there are lots of tools to do this.
It's no biggie when you KNOW why the primers won't go in those cases.

When you're new to reloading, everything can be a "biggie" until you learn about it


New member
Is 7.62Nato different from .308

New to this forum, or any other, wouldn't want to ofend anyone. Even though I have reloaded over 35 years, and wad reaoading L.E.O. For county and city in mid '70s. I would suggest the new .308/7.62 realoader to ignore any of my words or typing. One can get all military info, including dimensions of cases by typing " TM 43-0001-27 - Combat Simulations " into google and get the full military manual on ammo ( and sizes ). On thing to look up yourself is the PSI.
Prior to aprox. 1960 they used CUP for pressure ( drilled a hole, placed a copper cup in it, fires the gun then measured the cup to get the pressure, not the most accurate ) (later uses Pizoelectric which is much more accurate ) that is why you see aprox 62,000 psi for .308 and 52,000 psi for 7.62. Not sure of the exact psi, but the two don't convert exactly anyhow.
My reason for this post is if you, or especially one of your children are going to shoot your reloads, I would think you should look up the info on a location from the manufacturer or military direct. Basically look it up yourself.
This is not to disrespect this forum in any way. But as most of you know, the .308 and 7.62 NATO shells, length, and neck space is slightly different and different bullets have different lengths which require different seating depths
Based on how you want the bullet to seat.
I reload 308 and 7.62 NATO, you will be fine loading to 308 specs as long as you make sure you trim your brass and avoid max loadings. I load my Lake city NATO brass the same as my 308 lapua brass. I never use the max loadings and the brass never shows signs of high pressure. My current lot of brass has 15 firings through my AR-10 which has a 308 barrel. The "paranoia" is because a 7.62 chamber is roomier and it is possible for a hot loaded 308 to stretch or separate in the 7.62 chamber because of the headspacing. If your gun in fact has a 7.62 chamber you can reload "308" and make it weaker and more like a NATO round. Then the only difference is the stamping mark on the rim. If your barrel is 308 I wouldn't even worry about it and just lower the max charge 1 grain in the NATO brass because it is thicker and theoretically has less capacity.


Better yet you can do as I and other have done loading .308. Use whatever brass size them removed primer crimps and cut them to the proper length then seperate the cases by headstamp and weigh the different headstamps.

Work up your load using the heaviest cases as they will have the least volume. When you add another brand case weigh it and make sure that it is not heavier the the headstamp that you worked your load up with.