Lead fumes. What steps do you take to protect yourself ?


New member
Yep I turn o nthe fan to fight the heat. Hand, and face washing will do a whole lot to eliminate most of the lead exposure from casting.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
You are more likely to inhale lead from primers, than casting.
Only if you are shooting old primers or old ammo. After 1990 the industry improved their primers and got away from lead.


New member
I don't worry about lead vapors, as many have stated.

I usually set a fan up to blow up against the ceiling, so that it gives me a very slight downdraft where the lead pot is set up. This keeps any fumes and smoke from the fluxing process from getting in my face. It's almost imperceptible, just a very gentle movement of air.
Also helps keep the cigar smoke out of my eyes... :cool: