Lawdog - Help! (What's a "court" gun?)


Staff Emeritus
We had some jack-leg lawyer from Yankee-land get retained to come down to our little county on a Robbery case. Dude showed up in a conservative pin-stripe dark suit, school tie, manicure and shoes polished to a mirror-shine.

I walked into the court-room in a pair of pressed jeans, red-and-blue Brushpopper shirt, ropers and my court rig and I thought his eyelids were going to break off from the blinking.

Then the judge walked in, and he was wearing jeans (pressed), a BACA t-shirt, ostrich ropers and a Stetson with about forty pounds of fish hooks, buzz-tail fangs and hat-pins on it.

The court reporter was 6-6 and looked like Hulk Hogan right down to the horseshoe mustache. Again, pressed jeans, a Brushpopper shirt and a styled-out 1911 in the nicest court rig I've ever laid eyes on.

The DA was the only one wearing a coat, and it was Western-styled, over jeans (pressed) and Lucchese boots.

I was looking at that defense lawyer, and you could tell that he thought he had this one in his pocket. Here we were, a bunch of no 'count hicks, and there he was, straight out of L.A. Law.

That lasted until the first recess, when the judge called him to the stand after the jury left and told him: "Son, I'm going to give you a bit of advice. You look like a banker. Your jury is composed of ranchers and farmers, who have all mortgaged their property to bankers, and they all know someone who has had their spread taken by bankers, and they don't like bankers. Go get yourself some jeans, before your client loses his case because the jury hates his lawyer."

He did. Still lost the case, though.


Hunter Rose

New member
>Then the judge walked in, and he was wearing jeans (pressed), a BACA t-shirt, ostrich ropers and a Stetson with about forty pounds of fish hooks, buzz-tail fangs and hat-pins on it.<

Ok... need a new keyboard (again: I should know better by now)...

Hope you don't mind LawDog, but I'm going to link this thread through the BACA website for that little tidbit (and GODS, but I wish I had pictures)!


New member
I thought court guns were a commonly known area, but I guess if you don't get into a western courtroom enough...

My own version fell outside Lawdog's descriptions a bit, sorry. It was a .357 snubby - but nickel plated nontheless! Leather was handtooled with matching speed loader pouches and cuff case. :cool:


New member
And all these years I thought that guns this fancy were only carried by TV Cowboys (Revolvers) and Pimps (Autoloaders).:cool:

Boy was I wrong. :eek: Sure am glad I never had to go to court in Texas;)

BTW, if you come to a BBQ at my place, I don't care what your gun looks like as long as you can shoot it. I'll even put up some targets.


New member
Years ago back in the 20's, 30's and maybe even 40's in my neck of the woods a court gun was also known as a superior court, throw down or lay down gun. :(

As for court appearances uniform offers are required to appear in full uniform with the issued weapon.
Detectives may wear either civilian clothing or uniforms if they are so issued. They are also required to carry the issued weapon.
Specialized units dress accordingly and also carry issued weapons


You gotta love Texas! I had never even heard of such a thing! Here in Iowa we had a cop demand to not even carry a gun.