Last Night

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Just a little FYI for Texans with CHLs who like to flip people off...

Flipping someone off in public can qualify as disorderly conduct and is sufficient offense to get your CHL suspended.

§ 42.01. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:
(2) makes an offensive gesture or display in a public place, and the gesture or display tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;​

§ 411.187. SUSPENSION OF LICENSE. (a) A license may be suspended under this section if the license holder:
(1) is charged with the commission of a Class A or Class B misdemeanor or an offense under Section 42.01, Penal Code, or of a felony under an information or indictment;​


You responding to a "flip off" in any aggressive way (forcing the issue) would likely deny - or help to deny - your legal protection under SD law, had something escalated into your need to injure him, or worse. You cannot instigate or elevate an incident and then, if something happens, claim you were an innocent victim of someone else's aggression. For you participated in it.
So, NOT doing that, going into the house, calling the cops etc. is exactly right.

Besides, forcing what "issue", someone sanding on a street who sees you staring at him and gives you the flip, turns his back and looks at the street again? What issue, except he was surly and didn't like being watched. If he wasn't doing anything why would he. There is no "issue" here, he wasn't instigating a fight, he turned away and stood on the street.


I call the cops everytime/anytime I see a stranger "hanging" around. They don't mind and it is their job not mine. A quick call and description won't hurt anyone. It might help someone should the stranger be a real badguy. It will save the stranger multiple gunshot wounds should they attempt to harm me or mine. Bottom line it doesn't hurt to call the "POPO".


New member
I love giving teenagers the bird though. I do it all the time, especially in the car.

Great idea. Purposefully inciting teenage males who are renowned for bad judgement, emotional instability, and a tendancy to respond when challenged, especially in groups, is a brilliant way to de-escalate a situation.

There is nothing wrong with observing a person who is out of place in your neighborhood. Taking a photo of them, calling the police to investigate suspicious persons and even asking them what they are doing there are all good things to do.

Criminals love neighborhoods where everybody keeps their heads down and never shows any interest in what is going on. If they know they are being watched on a particular block it only encourages them to practice their trade elsewhere. The person who poo-poo'd this in his normal matter typically has nothing better to do on these boards than refer to the posters here as paranoid and trigger happy. There are certainly some here who could use some education, but the original poster does not appear to be one of them.


New member
If he was actually on your property, you might have yelled for him to get lost, and then called the police if he didn't. If he wasn't, I would have maybe let the neighbors know about him and kept an eye on him but not really worried too much unless he actually crossed onto my property.


New member
As I had stated in the original post, there had been burglaries in the neighborhood, which is why I called the police becasue this individual had no clear purpose as to why he was there. The lamp he was standing next to actually rests on my neighbor's parkway, and the kid was standing just on a slight corner of my property. Six inches north would have put him off. I didn't feel I had enough to go on to force an issue, and would rather not have him then focus his and possibly his friend's ire on my home at Oh-Dark-Hundred when we're sleeping.
I topped off the XD just as a precaution in case something did go bump in the night, and I needed a backup, but my Winchester 97 is always handy.


New member
And that is why this country is going in the toilet. Because no one teaches respect anymore and the hooligans just go on thinking that it is their God-given right to do what ever they want without consequences.

So, whatever...I will continue to flippin' the bird right back at those punks.

Wow... thats really going to teach them respect. :rolleyes: Most of these punk kids won't even listen to their parents or teachers. You think you are going to teach them anything? Whatever. :rolleyes: Maybe you should just shoot him. That will teach him a lesson!

Now what you might incite is some kind of escalation, most probably vandalism, and most likely when you are not home. You will have no proof that it was him who did it (unless you happen to have a CCTV system installed). Unless you plan to waste your time sitting around watching your house, it is better not to escalate.

Even if this was someone looking to case a house for a break in, there is little the police can do if he is on public property. He can claim to be looking for an address or waiting for a ride. I like the idea of taking his picture since it might come in handy if he has priors.

If you live in a higher crime area, you really might want to look into installing a CCTV system. Prices really have come down a lot. Even if you install a dummy system, it might be enough of a deterrent.

My aunt (70+ years old and handicap) was almost broken into when she went to answer the door to some supposed sales people. It is pathetic but preying on the elderly is not all that uncommon. Fortunately, she has a live in care taker who was able to keep them from pushing the door in. We installed several cameras (highly visible outdoor vandal proof type) right afterwards as a deterrent. Nothing has happened since and hope it stays that way.

One other thing to think about is installing slap bars on the doors for elderly relatives. They are much stronger than chains if installed properly and easier to manipulate, especially if arthritis is an issue (as it is with my aunt). Install a large, wide angle peep hole at a height level they can easily see, and teach them never to open the door to strangers. It sounds silly and even a little insulting, but older people sometimes forget that there are real predators out there.

Sorry to go off topic, but hope this info is of use for some people.


New member
Given the burglaries in your area I would say calling in for a police drive-by when you spotted a suspicious character in the neighborhood was exactly the right thing to do. That the stranger disappeared after the police came by supports your suspicion that he was up to no good.


New member
There have been burglaries in the area. The police can certainly talk to this person and find out who he is. If he keeps showing up in areas for no good reason where robberies are taking place he warrants investigation.

Ask the police and they will certainly agree. If you are having problems in your area and see suspicious person then call.

Spade Cooley

As our neighborhoods deteriorate sooner or later we are going to have to force the issue. Be it fisticuffs, mace or even a weapon, the thugs of the world can't be allowed to rule. Get neighbors to help you if need be. Build a fence. Make it more difficult for them to cross the yard. Call the police whenever they are on the property and inflate the incident if necessary.


Wow... thats really going to teach them respect. Most of these punk kids won't even listen to their parents or teachers. You think you are going to teach them anything? Whatever. Maybe you should just shoot him. That will teach him a lesson!

Now what you might incite is some kind of escalation, most probably vandalism, and most likely when you are not home. You will have no proof that it was him who did it (unless you happen to have a CCTV system installed). Unless you plan to waste your time sitting around watching your house, it is better not to escalate.

So what do you suggest be done? It seems to me that you would have us do nothing.

I agree with spade cooley...eventually our neighborhoods will deteriorate sooner or later by doing nothing now that we will eventually have to force the issue later. I would add that later will more than likely be at a far higher cost to EVERYONE.

I personally will no do the expected. I for one will do my best not to let my neighborhood turn into a cesspool full of malcontent punks who, for the lack of parents who give a damn, will have to get their only parenting from the village.


New member
Hook up some outside speakers and play some Glenn Miller music. Not quite loud enough to make the neighbors complain - they'll probably thank you. You may think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Punks hate that stuff. It works like bug repellent on mosquitos. I also meant what I said about telling the cops you THINK he's acting like a male prostitute. Embarassment tends to quell the revenge reflex.


New member
That night, the XD40 was topped off and cell phone fully charged and both were within easy reach.

And the reason you don't do this every night would be....?

I certainly do, except I also have a Surefire flashlight beside the Glock 19 and cell phone.


New member
I would have pepper sprayed the kid, hit him with the Tazer and then shot him with the pepper ball gun...but that's just me. I figure he shouldn't have been on a public street and then flipped me off :D


As I had stated in the original post, there had been burglaries in the neighborhood, which is why I called the police becasue this individual had no clear purpose as to why he was there. The lamp he was standing next to actually rests on my neighbor's parkway, and the kid was standing just on a slight corner of my property. Six inches north would have put him off. I didn't feel I had enough to go on to force an issue, and would rather not have him then focus his and possibly his friend's ire on my home at Oh-Dark-Hundred when we're sleeping.
I topped off the XD just as a precaution in case something did go bump in the night, and I needed a backup, but my Winchester 97 is always handy.

You are overly paranoid and seem to understand nothing about the crime of burglary. 99% of people who commit burglary do it when you are not home. It is much easier that way. Him seeing you home was the biggest deterant not the topped off XD.

I cannot believe you really felt threatened by this kid. It makes no sense to me. Are you looking to shot someone? It sounds like you are looking for an excuse to shoot this kid. I mean 6 inches onto your property and the bird constitutes a threat?

I really don't understand someone, anyone please explain this to me. Stories like this make gun owners sound like a bunch of want to be chuck norris mall ninjas.

Sorry rant is over.


I agree. Your chances of death/injury from car accidents far exceed any street crime threat, unless you exist in constant exposure to very high rates of violence. SD and CCW etc, are a tool for one of many dangers in life, and since this one rarely happens, the actual and continuing benefit we all can have is increased ease of mind. If they instead create constant preoccupation with danger, they lose one of their two main benefits (the other - on rare occasion, unlikely even once in a lifetime - an effective means for defense).
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