Last Night

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New member
Last night I was changing the full length screen in my front storm door to the full length glass pane. (October/Novemeber chore list). Anyway, I noticed a young man in dark clothing standing over by the street light that is on the corner of my property. He was doing nothing but standing there. As he noticed me looking at him, he flips me off and turns himself so he is facing away towards the street. There is no one else on the street that I can see.
I finish quickly and turn off the light that was backlighting me so I can see the kid. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote his description down, at the same time turning on my outside lights. I called to my wife to call the cops to see if they could do a drive by, and I told her to call the neighbors as well, and let them know what was going on and to turn on their outside lights as well. There have been burglaries in my neighborhood in the past 3 months.
I kept an eye on the kid for a bit to see if he would move, and he finally trotted off when the first cruiser turned down the street.
I went outside to meet the police and give them the description and the general direction of the kid went.
That night, the XD40 was topped off and cell phone fully charged and both were within easy reach.

Any thoughts as to mistakes or things done differently? Just looking for helpful hints from those who have been there.


I would have probably forced the issue myself if he standing on my property and flipped me off. I would probably have even taken a photo of him with my digi-camera (set on hi-res), just in case the police could use it.

Personally, I am seriously getting tired of the blatant arrogance and total lack of respect that the youth of today display to anyone these days.

But, otherwise I think you did just fine.


New member
Not so very long ago I would have likely forced the issue, but with two little ones to look after, I'm a little more cautious these days.

Neighborhood is not so upscale, homes range in the 3-400K. It's a relatively quiet town with not much to do for the police besides traffic stops and underage drinking. Odd domestic disturbance here and there, nothing violent, yet, but it's coming.


New member

You did very well, especially by not "forcing the issue" as was suggested by another poster.

You were alert, you were prepared and you asked the appropriate law enforcement agency to investigate. You were not in imminent fear of death or grave injury, so you wisely refrained from a confrontation.



So lets see: a kid is standing on a street corner and when he sees you staring him down and react you call the cops and top off your XD...and some of you would have, in the past "forced" the issue.:cool:

WildgladidontliveinyourareaAlaska ™


New member
Neighborhood is not so upscale, homes range in the 3-400K.

Now that's comedy. :D

Seriously it's hard to judge whether you over/underreacted without being in your shoes. The only mistake I can point out is the way you say that you made sure to have the cell phone & pistol ready 'That night' - as if you're not doing so every night.


New member
The only thing you should change is to have the XD40 on your person (i.e., in a holster) instead of "within easy reach". :)


New member
I have a lot of rats, punks and bangers in my neighborhood that cruise the sidewalk that passes right in front of my house. Not much I can do. The “kids” are always yelling and screaming at one another and sometimes run thought the yard in back of the house. In my specific case, I have chosen to ignore the issue as I do not want to start some type of war with these kids. I have a 9 to 5 job and cannot watch things 24x7. I do carry my Kimber Ultra CDP II when at home and when I am out-and-about. The wife recently got her permit and carries (somewhat infrequently). That’s about all we can do.

Sometimes we have to ignore the little things to prevent the big things from happening to us (picking and choosing our battles). However, always be aware of your surroundings (as you were) and it never hurts to let “the others” know that you are watching (as you did). Good job!

Night Watch

New member
:) I doubt I would have handled it as well as you did; however, I'm always armed so ...

(By the way, you need to work on that stare; it's much too confrontational. What I would do is raise my support hand to wave, 'hello' before going inside to call the police and alert the neighbors.) ;)


So lets see: a kid is standing on a street corner and when he sees you staring him down and react you call the cops and top off your XD...and some of you would have, in the past "forced" the issue.

WildgladidontliveinyourareaAlaska ™

I am glad you don't live in my neighborhood either. Dont forget that the scumbag flipped off the property owner.

Scumbags, especially those who makes obscene gestures at me, certainly don't belong on my property. They can just move along.


Dont forget that the scumbag flipped off the property owner.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww...sobsobsob...;little punky shot me the bird, waaaaaaah Im calling the Popo and gettin my 870 ready:rolleyes:...

Scumbags, especially those who makes obscene gestures at me, certainly don't belong on my property. They can just move along.

Yeah well what if he is on the public right of way??/

WildgiveitabreakitsjustateenagerAlaska ™


Neighborhood is not so upscale, homes range in the 3-400K

Which is why I live in southern Ohio where upscale starts at 200,000 or so.

I don't think I would have survived teenagerhood with you guys around. I was once busted for stealing jack-o-lanterns. My brother, myself and three HS cheerleaders got to visit the sheriffs office on that one but nobody shot at us thank god.


Which is why I live in southern Ohio where upscale starts at 200,000 or so.

I don't think I would have survived teenagerhood with you guys around. I was once busted for stealing jack-o-lanterns. My brother, myself and three HS cheerleaders got to visit the sheriffs office on that one but nobody shot at us thank god.

I have to agree with that too. I think that people are over reacting. There was no evidence that this individual was doing anything wrong. You do not get to decide who gets to walk down the public street in front of your house. It does not sound like this kid every came on to the property. Am I missing something?

If I topped of my gun every time some one gave me the bird it would never been in a holster. :p


Dont forget that the scumbag flipped off the property owner.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww...sobsobsob...;little punky shot me the bird, waaaaaaah Im calling the Popo and gettin my 870 ready...

Scumbags, especially those who makes obscene gestures at me, certainly don't belong on my property. They can just move along.
Yeah well what if he is on the public right of way??/

WildgiveitabreakitsjustateenagerAlaska ™

And that is why this country is going in the toilet. Because no one teaches respect anymore and the hooligans just go on thinking that it is their God-given right to do what ever they want without consequences.

So, whatever...I will continue to flippin' the bird right back at those punks. ;)


I called a 14 year old soccer player a "little ****" one day at practice. The kid had just gone around me, and it kinda slipped. My tactic worked though because the kid was laughing so hard he didn't score. He then bragged to the whole rest of the team, not that he beat me, which none of them had ever done before, but because he had made me swear at him. Much fun was had by all, and no parents were present(thank god).

I love giving teenagers the bird though. I do it all the time, especially in the car.


New member
I would have probably forced the issue myself if he standing on my property and flipped me off. I would probably have even taken a photo of him with my digi-camera (set on hi-res), just in case the police could use it.
I LIKE the idea of the digital camera. If you get a pic of the "flipper"
you can get it to the police. If the "flipper" sees you taking the pic,
maybe it will make him consider the possible repercussions of his actions.

Or maybe if he thinks he's going to get "mug-shot" every time he shows
up in your neighborhood, he'll go somewhere else.



New member
I would have shot him just to be sure!! Cmon guys he flipped you off, were you staring at him? Guys who are burglars generaly dont want to be noticed at all. One of the funniest i have heard is a guy was looking at a kid with hair all different colors and spiked to the max. the kid asked him what the PUCK he was looking at, I guess he was staring a bit, any way the guy never misses a beat and says, when i was in vietnam i say a guy screw a peakock. I was just wondering if you were one of his kids, sorry to stare.
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