Laser-cast Bullets Opinions

this is the bullet I ordered, & if you read the description, you'll read that the alloy contains silver...

Werewolves beware...;)

These hard cast bullets are made from a proprietary mixture of alloys and precious metals, including silver. This results in a harder bullet than pure lead that will withstand higher velocities without leaving excessive metal deposits in the barrel.


New member
Ok, I finally found the cite on Oregon Trail's site.

Silly "feature" if you ask me. You can get all the hardness you need in a bullet with tin, antimony, and arsenic. Most bullets are harder than they need to be anyway.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
In the last 18 months, Oregon trail has priced their bullets completely out of sight.

At $32/500 (.429 240g RNFP), I could afford them... And Did!!

Sadly, I'm down to my last couple of hundred. Gonna have to go to something else, I suspect.


New member
I have had very good luck with them.The 200 gr SWC's are great in a 1911 .45 acp.They work very well in full power .44 mag loads.
I believe the ones with the different name have gas checks on them.
As I understand,these were cooked up by some mining engineers who know their stuff about alloys.

Having said that,real hard is not always best.Sometimes a softer alloy is better,slugging up matters sometimes.Check into the black powder cartridge folks.

I have a fair amount of experience with wheelweight grade alloy.I can load full power .44 mag H-110 loads with no problem ,even in a rifle.


just an aside from a caster who quit when machine cast were so cheap, firing up the lead pot is a good protest to the overpricing...The price of lead has dropped a lot.