LA Post Office shooting rampage

Would you carry in a post office even though it is illegal?

  • Yes: My safety is more important than some stupid law.

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • No: I am a law abiding citizen.

    Votes: 23 46.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Now they are saying that it was known that the woman had been involved in "bizarre behaviour for the last two years " . So it's just one more case of people knowing of a serious problem and not doing anything about it.!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New member
Typical government installation, no one is allowed to personally protect themselves and therefore becomes a victim..........I hope there's one hell of a lawsuit, only downside is the taxpayers will foot the bill for any settlement, no one will lose their job because of inefficiency, and things will be back to normal in a few weeks...


New member
I am currently a Postal employee. I have been a carrier, carrier tech, EAS 16 supervisor, and now I am a manual clerk. Like a friend of mine said one time, "the P.O. is the only business that activly hires Vets. (many combat Vets) and then screws with them!" Have you been reading the papers from Calif.? Delivering until 10pm!? come on!

We have had 23 clerks either retire, die, transfer or whatever and their jobs never get filled. We are just expected to "git'er done". The only preasure that is on this job is that which you LET mgt. put on you. Mgt. comes down and says that this has to be done by such and such time and we'll see if it does or not. You can't fire me for working!! (My a$$ busting days are long gone) Had a supervisor tell me that I wasn't up to her (and there is another whole can of worms IMHO)expectations, Oh well, guess youll either learn to live with it or you'll move on.


New member
You guys really want to know about the P.O.? go to, check it out. New ruling in a sucide.