La-la land

chris in va

New member
Wasn't sure what to title this, but anyway.

I've known my friend's daughter since she was about 9. She's almost 21 now and she came out to visit this weekend from college.

Her car broke down in a parking lot on the way here. I needed a couple parts and my friend asked if I could leave my Kahr in their glove box while I run up to get it.

"Why do you think we'll need a GUN? Nothing's gonna happen, geez."

She's always been like this. No real clue about anything going on around her, only watches "positive TV shows" etc. I can only imagine what misinformation she got from college.

Her father is definitely aware of the bad things going on in the world. You'd think it would have rubbed off on her, but no. It's like she lives in this positive bubble and nothing can happen.


New member
The bubble is a beautiful place, till it pops. Society tends to be reactive rather than proactive with the next question being "what could I have done?". :rolleyes:


It's like she lives in this positive bubble and nothing can happen.

Why is that threads are continually started to self justify the carrying of guns and to denigrate the intellectual capability of those who don't.

Sheeple. Lala land. No real clue. Et seq.:rolleyes:

Maybe the young lady views the carrying of the gun as the statistical equivalent of a lightning rod on ones head.

WildithinkillhaveabagelAlaska TM


New member
Society tends to be reactive rather than proactive with the next question being "what could I have done?".

The Libertarian asks, "What could I have done?"

The Socialist asks, "Who can I blame?"


New member
The Libertarian asks, "What could I have done?"

The Socialist asks, "Who can I blame?"
I think you have them reversed

WildthewholelibertariancredoisdonothingAlaska TM
No, WA, it isn't. The whole libertarian credo isn't to do nothing. The whole libertarian credo is that there is very little that is proper for the GOVERNMENT to do. There's lots of room for individual action. Note that the Libertarian asks, "What could I have done?". Note the individual action implied.

Socialists, however, want to point blame from all levels in all directions other than their own.


Whatever, off topic and 'cuz Everton just knocked Man U out of the FA Cup and ruined the quintuple, I'm too depressed to again defend decent modern socialism against primitive and irrelevant libertarianism:(

WildmydayisruinedandidontknowwhotoblamefergusonforsittingdownronaldoorberbatovforthatpatheticpenaltykickAlaska TM

Bud Helms

Senior Member
How does this,

It's like she lives in this positive bubble and nothing can happen.

show a denigration of the intellectual capability of the woman.

So, living in a bubble as though nothing bad can happen is evidence of degraded intellectual capability?


New member
You should show her the police reports for the last few months in your area.

"nothing is going to happen," is a dangerous mindset, but does not show intellectual inferiority as Wild suggested. :rolleyes: It just shows a sheltered life experience.

44 AMP

A bubble is a wonderful place

Comfy and safe. Lots of people live there. The problems come in when they think the whole world is like their bubble. And when they try to force the rest of us to live in it with them.

Lots of people have said "the whole world changed on 9/11". It didn't. What changed was a lot of wealthy people had their bubble burst.

I don't know very many young people who are not living in some kind of bubble (and a number of adults as well). Sometimes the real world bursts it in a fairly gentle way. Sometimes it is very harsh. A fortunate few never have their bubble burst. But only a few.

As to your young friend, life will educate her, or it won't. I only pray that if it does, she survives the experience, and learns from it. Many do not.

Often, the staunchist conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.


Why do you think we'll need a GUN? Nothing's gonna happen, geez.

I say that every day as I get dressed. Do I have a sheltered existence?

"nothing is going to happen," is a dangerous mindset,

"Something is going to happen" is equally a dangerous mindset

but does not show intellectual inferiority as Wild suggested

So, living in a bubble as though nothing bad can happen is evidence of degraded intellectual capability?

It implies, as so often seen here, that the poor bubble dwelling sheep just aint as smart as the armed citizen, zestfully striding through life well prepared for the war zone that is life.

Often, the staunchist conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.

Often, the staunchist liberal is a conservative who hasn't :)

Now excuse me I must mourn. The dream is dashed. I will never live to see the quintuple:mad:

WildowoeismeAlaska TM


Whatever, off topic and 'cuz Everton just knocked Man U out of the FA Cup and ruined the quintuple, I'm too depressed to again defend decent modern socialism against primitive and irrelevant libertarianism

WildmydayisruinedandidontknowwhotoblamefergusonforsittingdownronaldoorberbatovforthatpatheticpenaltykickAlaska TM

The team lineup selected by Sir Alex lefts little doubt where his priorities lie...

Bud Helms

Senior Member
So, living in a bubble as though nothing bad can happen is evidence of degraded intellectual capability?
It implies, as so often seen here, that the poor bubble dwelling sheep just aint as smart as the armed citizen, zestfully striding through life well prepared for the war zone that is life.

I remind you:
Why is that threads are continually started to self justify the carrying of guns and to denigrate the intellectual capability of those who don't.

Maybe, just maybe, we need to abstain from interpretations to the extent that we don't "read in" meaning where there is no physical evidence, but that we really, actually, really know what they really mean. Know what I mean?


Maybe, just maybe, we need to abstain from interpretations to the extent that we don't "read in" meaning where there is no physical evidence, but that we really, actually, really know what they really mean. Know what I mean?

No, not really. I think the context of the OP was clear, especially when terms like "no clue" and "misinformation" were used.

And surely you aren't contending that there havent been a number of threads making comments on the diminished mental capabilities of "non carriers"?

Then again, I would be happy to refrain from comments and offering opinions if they are offensive to staff. I'm easy.

Now I must go buy shrimp, on sale. I cant find my gun anyway so its going to be a lala drive.

WildimsodepressedimgonnatakeapillAlaska TM


New member
"You are exactly the woman a criminal is looking to victimize."

"Unaware and unprepared."

"You will be in his car with your head bashed in before you will know what happened."

"Making bad judgements in the real world can get you dead."

"And acting like the whole world is your friend is a very bad judgement."

"Because I love you like my own daughter,I am asking you to not attract criminals to you by being totally unaware and a perfect target for them to rob or rape."

"Educate yourself to recognize and act accordingly to the threats you will face in the real world."


New member
Try living in CA.... government enforced La-la land.

OTOH, while a few have tried, nobody has actually shot me....... yet.


I'm on my third pill of the day. Two or three more and maybe my head won't pop off and roll around the floor..... today. I can feel the pressure building. :eek:


Don't play sheeple with us, Shrimpy. I know you have a rifle and who knows what else in your truck.

The truck is TOTALLY bereft of guns right now (its clean up time).....:D

And the shrimp were horrendous, although halibut whole is $6.99 per pound, 20 pounders. But since SWMBO and I are going to Nippon in a week or so, don't need no fishy in the fridge

"You are exactly the woman a criminal is looking to victimize."

"Unaware and unprepared."

"You will be in his car with your head bashed in before you will know what happened."

"Making bad judgements in the real world can get you dead."

"And acting like the whole world is your friend is a very bad judgement."

"Because I love you like my own daughter,I am asking you to not attract criminals to you by being totally unaware and a perfect target for them to rob or rape."

"Educate yourself to recognize and act accordingly to the threats you will face in the real world."

No. No. No.

Wanna know why I'm so cranky?...because politically (but not politics) I see us in a new era of information and battle for hearts and minds. Violence, rage, macho posturing, screeching, bellowing, sloganeering LOSES....reason wins...perception is reality..I see some stuff posted on the web from gun onwers that makes me cringe! We need to be on our best behavior, the slightest comment gets magnified until it steamrolls

Want me to rewrite the OP?

Wasn't sure what to title this, but anyway.

I've known my friend's daughter since she was about 9. She's almost 21 now and she came out to visit this weekend from college.

Her car broke down in a parking lot on the way here. I needed a couple parts and my friend asked if I could leave my Kahr in their glove box while I run up to get it.

"Why do you think we'll need a GUN? Nothing's gonna happen, geez."

I explained to her that she is right. In all probability nothing was going to happen. But, on the other hand, there is no harm in being ready for contingencies, especially if it is to protect someone we love. I explained to her that the gun in the glove box was just a tool, like a spare tire, or a seat belt, or a lightning rod (sorry:p). I also told her that since she is now an adult perhaps she should take some time with us and learn how to use this particular tool, that gun safety comes from knowledge and experience, ....etc etc................

What sounds better when it pops up on some twitter driven website........

WildtakealiberalshootingtodaywhileimournAlaska TM


New member
Wild makes a fair point - if I had a dime for every time I'd read something on the intertrons written by a gun owner about sheeple or whatever that made me facepalm, I'd be able to retire. Insulting people is a surefire way to turn them off to shooting and self defense pretty much forever.


New member
Being a resident of 'la la land' (i'm using term for generic term of entire state), I find that awareness is more important than always being armed. Blind to what is going on is equally dangerous armed or unarmed and if i can avoid danger by just not putting myself in those situations is important.
Besides, in this state, it's pretty close to impossible to get permit for concealed carry