Ku Kluxers get run over on the Info-highway


New member
I know I'm a little late to it, but yasher koach (way to go). I love it. That was just too funny.

I know those guys hate Jews as much as blacks so I'd be happy to pose if you ever get up to the DC area and you want to be able to alternate pictures they'll hate. I'd be sure to wear my black pants, white shirt, my biggest kippa (yarmulka) and my tzitzis out instead of tucked. That and my Charles Daly 1911 or 6" S&W 586 would make a great picture.


New member
Why are we so suprised some of them aren't dunces?

If the last century taught us anything, it's that one can be an angry, self-deluded, petulant blankety-blank and still have the brains and moxie to throw the planet into conniptions for years. Heck, the Nazis had some of the best engineering of the 20th century -- and I'd say the best tailors hands down. Good thing for us wars aren't won by looking snappy. :)

Anyhow, let's not fall into the "they're all stupid inbred redneck horses' patoots" line the antis say about us, eh? Assuming "sick pathetic worldview" necessarily equals "low intelligence" can get one in trouble rather quickly.

and oh yeah.... :barf:


Charlie D

New member
Hi braindead,

I see freakshow is up to 2 posts. What was your other one?


The guy caught on and replaced your picture with one of a Browning by linking to their site.
I wish you would replace the links to your pictures on the "petite woman" thread as others have suggested.

I love this!


New member
Or even better.
See if Browning won't change their link back to you "birthright not for sale" image. :D:D:D
THAT would realy freek them out. :D



New member
Oh man, this is good stuff. All the Jews (including me :) ), Africans, and Chinese (it's a VERY international dorm here) in my hall think it's hillarious. In fact, Paul, the Kenyan grad student across the hall, is asking me if I know how to make a poster-print of the "freedom riders didn't stop the KKK" pic. Nice work.


New member
Oh, thats nice..."racialist." "Me?" he says. "Oh no...I'm not a 'racist,' I'm a 'racialist.'"

No, you're an 'idiot.' But thats just my opinion.

Mike :rolleyes:

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Ed Dixon, I know what you meant, but the real beauty here is that Oleg didn't have to commit any cyber naughtiness. Actually, he was the one wronged. By linking directly to his picture, they're using his bandwidth for their purposes, and that ain't kosher.

All Oleg did was move the files on his own site, which is certainly his right and wouldn't have hurt these idiots in the least if they hadn't been stupid in the first place. Sometimes life just works out. :)