Ku Kluxers get run over on the Info-highway

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Linking directly to pictures stored on my server isn't always such a great idea...the original image showed this:

(Caution: the link goes to white-power/KKK site)
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Kirk Keller

New member

I LOVE IT! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. I wonder if any of them have noticed it yet. Imagine the fun you could have with other images...

I didn't quite get it until I realized exactly what kind of site I was on.

Then the soda came out the nose!

You, Sir, are brilliant!


New member

Funny, very funny. A nice laugh to start off what appears to be a nice weekend in the midwest.




New member

That is funny!

I read through that particular thread at Stormfront and apparently they haven't noticed the ol' switch-a-roo yet. BTW those are some disturbed individuals over there!

I try to be mild-mannered and libertarian (not initating force), but neo-nazis always look like pop-up targets to me. :mad:

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Here's the post, text is theirs, picture is mine

Right on brother.


Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

(to Kaylee: we considered those...but chose something subtle, so they don't catch on too quickly...wouldn't do to have someone from that forum notifying the post author...just make them puzzle over this instead!)


New member

Great switch! Although like Steve Smith i wish I had known ahead of time just where I was going. It took me a few minutes to figure what the joke was. By the time I did, I realized that I should NOT have been there on a work computer.

But it WAS priceless!


New member
I really, really don't like kluckers...

Then again, it's nice that they're so vocal, so that we know to avoid 'em.


New member
Steve, don't you know it is politically incorrect to visit those sites at work!!:D :D

Kaylee . . . you da' man . . . I almost had the same experience as Mike when I saw your first picture.

Seeker, I agree . . . some sick pups!

By that way, what is the guy in the picture shooting?

Kirk Keller

New member

Can you set up a script that rotates four or five appropriate pictures every few minutes. That way they can get a full taste of your artwork.