Korth Video


New member
That's an interesting half of a video. The entire first minute has absolutely nothing memorable whatsoever. Interesting just the same.

I sure wish I'd run across a Korth at a gun show or gun store one day. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough?!


New member
I sure wish I'd run across a Korth at a gun show or gun store one day. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough?!
You're not looking in the right places is more like it.

You won't find a Korth at a typical show or store in the same way that you won't find a used Panterra on a dealer's lot just sitting there waiting for someone to come along and haggle over the price.

They generally are sold via auction house or via a very closed circle of exclusive collectors.

One of the OGCA (Ohio Gun Collectors Association) shows might offer you the best bet of actually seeing one.


New member
Perhaps you don't know my typical travels...
I've missed only one OGCA at the Roberts Center in the last 1.5 years.

It's more likely that I've overlooked one. Maybe you simply hope you've seen them at OGCA.


New member
English version
Press the button at the top right ... DE/EN
The button doesn't show up in Mozilla Firefox. It does in IExplorer. I'm not sure the words add much to the video anyway. :)


New member
Perhaps you don't know my typical travels...
Well...excuse me all to hell....

Your correct though. I don't know all your travels nor do I give a flying one through a rolling one what they are.

I'll know better now though & in the future I won't bother trying to help a fellow buckeye out....

Maybe you simply hope you've seen them at OGCA
Nope - not me...
I don't go to nor am I ever likely to go to an exclusive event like an OGCA show.
I'm just down to earth regular people, not part of the exclusive "members and guests of members" crowd.


New member
Very cool video. I liked the Jedi mind power re assembly procedure. Looks like a very well made expensive firearm that I would feel guilty using.


New member
So.. since I wasn't familiar with Korth I went to look them up and find out some info.
It turns out I can stop worrying about it now.
The Classic 45 is only $30,000

Willie Lowman

New member
I've missed only one OGCA at the Roberts Center in the last 1.5 years.

So keep going. I have been to just about every every OGCA show in the last ten years. Have I seen a Korth there? Probably. Super high-end revolvers aren't my thing so if I did, I don't recall.


New member
I love the Korth Combat revolver. They are a true work of art.

Korth also made an Autopistol, though less than 300 exist and they bring some very high prices..



New member
I love the Korth Combat revolver. They are a true work of art

They surely are. And if those two beautiful specimens are yours, I green with envy. ;)

Does Korth make a revolver similar to the above with a half lug?


New member
They surely are. And if those two beautiful specimens are yours, I green with envy.

Does Korth make a revolver similar to the above with a half lug?

Thanks, yes those are both mine...

To answer your question, I'm not sure I ever saw a Korth Combat with a half lug. The older Korth revolvers had no barrel shroud at all.