Knife throwing-Who can do it?

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Been throwing since I was a teenager many years ago. Started out with an old dart board in my room after reading too many adventure books. It use to hang on a door that lead to a storage area we almost never used. Still remember when my father came upstairs to look for something in the storage area. Spent a long time filling in the knife holes with wood putty and sanding them out so I could repaint the door after many misses...LOL

Still throw, just not as serious as I use to when I was in my teens and early twenties. Mostly for fun and something to so while thinking about something. Real relaxing.

Anyone remember the switch blades that use to be issued to jumpers? How many broke them within a couple months practicing throwing while clicking them open? They sure did not hold up very good...LOL


New member
Had a throwing knife (case XX), but couldn't get it to stick in anything.

Did one time take come conduit and cut it so that it had "sharp" ends. Then tried throwing at rabbits...kind of a practice survival senario...still wasn't to effective. I had figured the weight would break something if I were able to hit the little critters, never got it to stick in one, heck never was able to hit one!

Seemed to work fine for cardboard boxes...Oh, well, back to the drawing board!

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I'm much more impressed by someone who can truly sharpen a knife with skill and expertise than throw one.
Yeah, doing it without aids was a true art. But try a Lansky sharpening system. Does a super job, especially with diamond hones.


I'm all about doing it as you said, without aids. I use a Spyderco Ceramic Bench Stone, after doing the coarse grinding with a DMT diamond stone.

It's been years in the development but I do actually have technique and I can get my knives really very sharp. Sharp enough to be proud of, anyway.



Skeeter Vaughn found it necessary to silently remove a German sentry during World War II. 90 feet away, downhill and in the dark, Mr. Vaughn nailed the sentry with a thrown knife.
Even "removing" someone silently with a knife when you can reach out and grab them is not exactly simple.

Where do you aim to kill someone silently with a throwing knife?


I'm not bad. Can throw just about any knife, just have to find the balance point and think about how many revolutions that it will take.

But, I'm not anywhere near 90%. Maybe 70% is the best that I can do.

Been throwing knives since I got my first sheath knife, around 10 or so.



Why are so many people talking about throwing knives that are not intended as throwing knives? :confused:

And this guy who threw the knife 90 feet downhill in the dark in a snowstorm during an earthquake blindfolded backward with his off-hand... Um, is he supposed to have managed an instant kill from a knife wound? I mean, I can't imagine a SILENT AND INSTANT kill from a throwing knife unless it penetrated through the sentry's eye into his brain... More details, please, if I'm to believe this one...


Blackwater OPS

New member
Killing someone with a knife will almost always result in some noise, unless you can cut the spinal cord, which is pretty well protected. Of course, I'm not speaking from experience, having never knifed anyone to death. If anyone here has, please share:D


Staff Emeritus
And this guy who threw the knife 90 feet downhill in the dark in a snowstorm during an earthquake blindfolded backward with his off-hand... Um, is he supposed to have managed an instant kill from a knife wound? I mean, I can't imagine a SILENT AND INSTANT kill from a throwing knife unless it penetrated through the sentry's eye into his brain... More details, please, if I'm to believe this one...

Find the book Knife & Tomahawk Throwing: The Art Of The Experts by Harry McEvoy. A summary is found here:

Google "Harry McElvoy" and "Skeeter Vaughn" for other reference sources.



New member
There is a nice scar on my foot thanks to MOM! When I was around 8 we were playing a game where you throw and stick the knife in the ground and the other guy has to put his foot there, object being to make the other guy fall eventually. Well 'ol Mom missed once and stuck me in the foot, left inside just behind the arch. mommie dearest still feels bad to this day.;)
When I was younger I could do it, say between 12-17years old...

When I was 12 I got a Buck Knife(looked like a baby Bowie knife), and after a month, I could stick it into the garage 3 out of 5 times at distances from 20ft and closer(20 ft being my longest throw ever!). If nothing else, when I fixate on a skill , it usaually gets done or I keep going till it does. When I started getting closer to the leagal age of firearms ownership, for some reason my practice at this,"Art", seemed to take a backseat to guns. That and the fact that I never got good enought to be 5 out of 5, back to back, made me nervous about throwing my weapon to the enemy with no effect, except leaving me defenseless, facing a now armed opponent!!!!! I sling copper-cased lead now and have no worries of having to throw my knife:D...


New member
Throwing cards


Did anybody see Mythbusters the other night? They had a guy who could throw playing cards and make the stick in a foam target. The guys also made a card thrower that could really zing them out there. I gotta make me one of them!!!!

Bad things happen when your overactive imagination refuses to grow up! :D

Kilroy, you'll shoot your eye out, was here


New member
TMC, my situation with throwing weapons is alot like yours. When I was younger I was pretty decent at it. I would go out and throw into pine trees in the back yard. I started throwing anything with a point or sharp edge. This was about age 8-16. I now am more absorbed in my firearms. I still have a large collection of knives that started when I was 6 with my first little Buck folder from my dad which is regretably lost. I just haven't thrown knives for a few years now. I was bored in my first year of college with a dorm room to my self and I would throw stars into a 1' by 1' board at about 9' distance. I almost got into trouble with that cause I missed and hit the door with a star when my floor assistant was walkin by. He looked in my room with the star stickin in the door right beside his head and never noticed it.


New member
I can throw a knife...

Can't hit anything with it...

And for some damned reason it only sticks about 7 out of 10 throws...

Lousy knives I suspect... :D :D :D

Actually, it takes one revolution for all distances, and the speed of the revolution is determined by how far up the blade you take your grip.

If the blade is HEAVY, like a Bowie Knife, then throw 1.5 revs by the handle.

If you're like me...
perfect practice doesn't help much. :D
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New member
I can do it but have a terrible hit rate. I wouldn't think about trusting myself with this technique in a life-threatening situation.


New member
i attended a class on combat knife throwing in the 1980's in the army, it consisted of an nco [e-7 i believe] who said "the first rule of combat knife throwing is...................never throw your knife! smoke em if ya got em".
i compete with both knives and hawks, i like the large cold steel ones, just pointy metal slabs, nothing to break.
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