Knife throwing-Who can do it?

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New member
I have never met anybody else who is into knife throwing and just wonder how many people there are out there that can actually do it.
Let us say at one or two revolutions, 8 to about 12 feet, with at least 90% hits.

urban assault

New member
A guy I work with can throw REAL well until his shoulder starts acting up. This man was a staff Sgt. in the Air Force, Speaks russian with a perfect accent(we have drivers pick up our shipments, most are new to this country, from russia and speak very little english, they always ask where he was born in russia) and he is a better than crack shot. Very mild and unassuming gentleman in his 50's. I was playing around at throwing a knife at some boxes on my lunch hour and talked him into "trying" it. He flubbed the first one and then hit inside a 4" circle 15 or 16 times... in a row. Very quickly. At about 15 feet or so. Needless to say I was a bit stunned. When we go shooting, we toss a golf ball aways away from us and then take turns hitting the ball with 22. rifles, no scopes. He can hit amazing shots and is very deliberate when shooting. He wont talk about what he did in the servivce too much, but he did say that he was stationed in Turkey and intercepted secure russian communications. He also worked for the NSA for awhile and had a pretty high clearance. He is a great guy to work with.



Staff Alumnus
Knife throwing as a sport is fun. I know some folks who are quite good at it- Spartacus is one.

Knife throwing as defense is insane- a last ditch attempt to not die.


We got a bunch of Gil Hibben throwers, different sizes. I cant throw worth a darn, but my kids can. Maybe not 90%, but maybe 70% now. Its very fun. The bigger ones, (10"), are alot easier to stick than the small ones.


New member
With an eight inch heavy knife I can throw 100% at 4 to 5 feet, just over arms length even from movement. The impact of a heavy throwing knife should not be underrated. There are surely guys out there that can do it better than me.
I learned it out of boredom during a curfew in the third world and practice this for five years now regularly.

How long does it take to perfect the mawashi geri?!


New member
Throwing is almost as fun as shooting, IMO... the satisfying THUNK of a hatchet burying itself into a log round is a great experience. Personally, I throw mostly in my basement using ~9in Skyhawk and Rigid throwers from about 25ft. Though I've got everything from large customs (my prize being a Moeller Frontiersman- never thrown), hatchets, stars, spikes, cards, darts, eBay junk, and so on. My recommendations:

1. If you're casual about it, buy some cheap but large (>8") production knives to practice with (you'll quickly get addicted AND more skilled)... such as Dragons, Skyhawks, Rigids, Blazing Arrows, etc.

2. If you're really casual about it (ie, not willing to learn how to throw) get some stars.

3. If you're serious, do some research and buy a set of customs (only cost slightly more, but the performance and durability are often much better).

4. Lay off the light and small eBay-type crap (I bought the stuff out of addiction) because they're more difficult to throw (not impossible, though) and actually more dangerous because fast ricochets are more common and the small stuff is often unnecessarily razor sharp.

5. Finally, be sure to visit the follow sites so you know what you're doing and don't get frustrated... HAVE FUN!

The BEST website on all things thrown

Thrower Group
Main gathering of some of the best throwers in the US, as well as several custom bladesmiths

Jody Hudson

New member
The keys are of course practice, practice, practice. Larger, longer knives are easier to throw and the period of revolution is greater, thus the distance is longer. As a person learns to adjust the rpms of the throw he can change the distance with the same number of revolutions. With practice you can learn to throw past one revolution to two and three at least. Throwing by the handle is good because IF you decide to start thowing sharper knives you will have the handle throw skill. Throwing from both the blade or the handle will give versatility of revolutions which can be handy.

Learning to throw first larger and then smaller knives and then all those different sizes in between can develope a wonderful versatility. Plus, it's fun to throw tomahawks, axes, shovels, hatchets, and even just a piece of pointed heavy wood. Eventually, you can pick up almost anything of almost any length or weight, from at least 5 inches or so up to at least 4 feet long or so, and throw it to stick like a 'hawk, or knife. A couple of years ago at a Mountain Man re-enactment, we had so many knife and hawk throwers that we ended up with a face off with the top several throwers throwing at 4 and then 5 revolutions which turned out to be about 50 feet or so. We even had some fun with short shovels and hammers. One fellow ended up winning with a bush axe throw of three revolutions at about 70 feet. We all quit on that one. The bush axe blade was bent badly, and we broke a few handles on 'hawks and such. But the fun was great. Accuracy at three revolutions of knives, in order to win was to stick the knife in a playing card. The 'hawk contest was won at two revolutions with the same targets. After 2 revolutions some of the 'hawks and axes started to lose stability and not hit true on the blade. A couple of fellows were throwing double bit, full size, Hudson Bay axes with the four foot handle. Only one was able to stick his on the third revolution but two others could on the second with the big HBs.

I think most if not all of the Mountain Man rendevous re-enactments have weapon throwing of all sorts.


New member

Gerber 3.5 inch LST, Ka-Bar and most anything in between - lately mostly pointy sticks. I get best results with 1 and a half revs and have never had a problem with sharp knives slicing my hand, too much. Large knives really sink home. The little ones you see in a set on three for < 10 bucks work OK too, but as mentioned earlier can really bounce back at you - Same rule as darts applies, if it dosn't stick and you catch it before it hits the ground you can throw it again.

The way I was taught: extend throwing hand, flat, fingers together, so that index finger is highest. Lay the blade diagnally across palm so that hte handle extends at about 45 degrees between index finger and thumb, trapping the blade lightly with thumb. Bend elbow back towards shoulder, them rapidly extend arm so that your index finger points at your target and let the knife slide out. Keep your wrist straight! Snapping your wrist will cause over rotation.

When learning to throw my LST I discovered that about 8 inches of leather boot lace through the hole in the butt of the handle, so that both ends hang loose helps prevent over rotation.

I started putting the leather through the hole in the butt end of the handle back before "clip -ons" became an option so that I could carry the knife in the back pocket of my levi's ( or into the top of lace up boots) with just the ends of the leather hanging out - the knife was concealed but I didn't have to dig for it when I needed it.

I played with blades long before I ever fired a gun, and have been carrying one, constantly, since third grade (often in violation of school rules). Uh oh! I just did the math, I have been carrying a knife daily for the last 27 years! Now I feel old.....


New member
I learned to do it for fun. My target was an old closet door, and the range was various distances across my apartment. However I haven't done it for a few years.

For serious use? I doubt I could ever hit anything effectively. But for fun, it beat the heck out of darts! :D


Staff Emeritus
Just as a bit of trivia, Skeeter Vaughn found it necessary to silently remove a German sentry during World War II. 90 feet away, downhill and in the dark, Mr. Vaughn nailed the sentry with a thrown knife.

You never know when various skills might become necessary.



New member
I've never had success at it, but a cousin of mine, Roger (not that you'd know him), could throw and stick almost anything with a point. From a 16-penny nail to an axe, it seemed. I've seen both, and many things between. This was years ago (~20, or 25). He was also deadly with a sling; throwing egg-sized rocks many yards to put them through a window opening in an old building on their farm.

Roger has also been fascinated by fire, and when we'd have a keg party, he rarely drank, but would spend the night tending the fire.

Strange fellow, but I wouldn't mind having him at my back in a fight. Last known sidearm was a Sig, in .45ACP.



New member
You know what works really well? Cheapie Italian stilettos. Quite pointy. Sticks deeper in wood with a throw than with a stab.

Throwing knives is kind of a last-ditch affair (or a closing-the-distance-with-a-second-knife-in-hand affair), but throwing 'hawks or khukuris is serious business.

Jorah Lavin

New member
Jonny B, I think I've met your cousin, or a spiritual

brother of his... I knew a guy years ago who seemed to be able to handle embers barehanded while tending the bonfire at a certain large gathering I attended.

When I did carpentry in the 80s I got fairly good at throwing an Estwing framing hammer... 28oz straight claw will do a number on a two-by.

I'm on a slinging list but haven't made a sling yet... probably will when it cools down a little.

I once had a job tending an automated press during the graveyard shift, not much to do for hours. We got pretty skilled throwing single-side razor blades and used to "play darts" with pushpins, throwing them underhand... you'd never believe it would work until you learn the trick. I used to throw big 20-penny nails to fair effect, but never was good with knives. I think people with better coordination than I could throw almost anything within reason... didn't Cold Steel sell a sort of double-tapered steel rod for throwing? Looked like it would do some damage if you didn't throw your arm out.



New member
anything with a point can be thrown to stick with accuracy, it just takes time and practice. i integrate it as part of my dinner show. after one of my knives get to dirty to cut with any more, i throw it over the counter into a cutting board nailed to the wall by the wash sink. when my wash boy is done washing it he throwes it behind me into an adjacent cutting board. it gets a hell of a response (and tips :) )

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Reminds me of playing Mumbletypeg as a kid for a nickle a throw with those yellow handled, 4" folding Imperials everybody had then. :D

Blackwater OPS

New member
Only way I know of to throw a knife is to take a heavy one and throw in underhanded at at target less then 5 ft away, and even then in combat you have less than a 50% chance of hitting right. Maybe its ok as a target game, but in the RW I would never throw my weapon away.


New member
Reminds me of playing Mumbletypeg as a kid for a nickle a throw with those yellow handled, 4" folding Imperials everybody had then.

I sucked at that...I really think these knives should have been called "Mumbley-Peg Specials" Maybe I sucked cause the knife blades broke, or too loose for any good.

Any inspiration of getting good at this skill, and I agree it is something to take note of as LawDog pointed out...

Mom kinda "crushed" any real desire to continue my learning. Probably had a lot to do with her good knives sticking into the tree out in the back yard. She yelled for me, I took off...she found her good knives. At some time a kid does return home, that is when the butt getting crushed with a belt occurs. least I was not digging in the yard with the good spoons anymore...


I'm much more impressed by someone who can truly sharpen a knife with skill and expertise than throw one.

I have some of those cheapy throwers from a gun show, and also one or two Gil Hibben throwers, but I've never achieved a great proficiency with them.

I also have a few Cold Steel Torpedoes, but amazingly I have never gotten the opportunity to take them out and throw them! :mad: I really have to, because I think they'll be hella satisfying to throw!

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